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What screams "I'm trashy"?

  1. Fighting with spouse in public
    — foogers

  2. Being very obnoxiously loud in public.
    — nottobeoffensivebutt

  3. Yelling at your child for no reason in the pharmacy section of a Walmart
    — rav-prat-rav

  4. Giving teenaged employees shit for honest mistakes
    — NotABurner2000

  5. Bragging about not paying your bills
    — GordFreemanSemenDemo

  6. pushing pyramid scheme products on facebook
    — pquinlan1993

  7. Me, after 5 Long Island Iced Teas...
    — Night-Pain

  8. Littering.
    — Saintblack

  9. Naming your baby after a celebrities baby, especially when that celebrity named their baby something dumb Source: Co-workers sister named her baby North, like Kanye and Kim
    — TooLateToPush

  10. Smoking while (very clearly) pregnant.
    — Hudsons_Heroes

  11. Holding your phone 6" from your face with it on speaker while walking around in public, and talking obnoxiously loud on purpose. NO ONE FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, TAKE IT THE FUCK OFF SPEAKER.
    — tidepodporg

  12. Not cleaning up after yourself. It's so easy to do, and yet so many people just leave their trash around.
    — Mr0z23

  13. Child beauty pagents
    — Djdanny90999

  14. Losing your shit over less than $2 in any given store. It's fine to be money-conscious and it's fine to want to be charged correctly. But screaming at the top of your lungs at some high school student making less than minimum wage because you were charged 79c a pack instead of 59c a pack is traaaaaaaaashy.
    — shaidyn