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What do you do that makes you just a little bit of an asshole?

  1. I’m an eavesdropper. Walked through a parking lot today with some teen girls walking behind. They were talking shit on some girl and then one got down to a low whisper to say “and she does anal”. It was low, but I could still hear her. I laughed. They got quiet.
    — triceraquake

  2. When I lived with housemates, I'd make my food spicier than they could handle so they wouldn't ask me for any.
    — tvieso

  3. I used to work at a Chinese restaurant. Whenever people asked for # of fortune cookies I always gave them one more so they could fight over it.
    — TheDongMeister

  4. According to my gf I'm abusive in my sleep. When she kiss me while I'm sleep I'll smack her in the head.
    — baybelolife

  5. I had an ex roommate who wouldn't clean her dishes and left them around often. Cleaning is how I de-stress so I cleaned all if her dishes and put them in the top shelf. She's only tall enough to reach the middle shelf and doesn't own a stool.
    — Medritt

  6. If someone knocks on my door... I get up and go to the door, lookout the window and then go sit back down if it’s someone I don’t want to talk to.. my door has a “window” in it and they can plainly see me
    — Jagoff412

  7. Stare at customers teeth when they complain, makes them super self conscious.
    — ClubSubZero

  8. Saw a post recently about someone doing this, so I did it today. I ripped up some annoying “sign up for this service” mail into little pieces, and put it in the envelope they included that says no postage necessary because I guess they already paid for it, and mailed it back to them. Edit: it’s like the 5th time this month they have sent me something trying to refinance my student loans. I get enough spam email, I don’t need spam snail mail.
    — CarlaWasThePromQueen

  9. On public transport, I give up my seat to people in their 50s. Makes them feel old.
    — Scandalknivery