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If you won a $10 Million Jackpot today, What's the first thing you will do?

  1. Read [this]( again
    — CanadianGuy116

  2. Talk to an attorney.
    — _malykii_

  3. Have a beer. In fact I'm going to do that right now even though I haven't won anything.
    — Pm_me_coffee_

  4. Pay off every penny of debt (not that there’s a lot, the biggest one being my student loan), damn that’d feel good.
    — iamtomm

  5. Put lots of money in the bank, then go fucking and traveling around the world in style. I'm gonna avoid strangers and acquaintances who'll bug me for money.
    — banal_animal

  6. Hire a lawyer
    — phildogg82

  7. 1440p 144Hz here I come!
    — widowhanzo

  8. It really, really depends on if I have to publicly announce that I won or not. Some states in the US don't allow you to be anonymous if you win. Some allow it. If I need to publicly announce it, I'm going to be much, much more concerned with people coming after me.
    — aintnufincleverhere

  9. Claim it quietly, buy some real estate, and travel.
    — giggitywolf93

  10. Drive go carts around a mansion. I like to tell myself I'm better than this but I know I'm not :(
    — Actoin_Man

  11. I would finally replace my printer ink.
    — agp83

  12. Wonder how my enemy with 20 mil is doing
    — spmurgemag

  13. Get bigger boobs.
    — Tatted_and_Naked

  14. Two chicks at the same time.
    — TheVeryWorstLuck

  15. Get an attorney and set it up so I can remain anonymous.
    — theghostwhorocks