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What simple act of kindness do you like to do?

  1. I smile and nod when I walk past strangers in my neighborhood. I like people to feel welcome.
    — pwnedu90

  2. My husband used to buy groceries at the end of the month for a older man in our old apt complex because he would be out of money and food end of the month. We did this even after we got our house. Went one day to find out he passed away. So I like to always try and do groceries or food for families or people I know who struggle because I know they are trying and government assistance will not last a whole month no matter how cheap they shop.
    — TacoMami

  3. Say something kind on Reddit or just show I’m listening
    — Roller31415

  4. i like to watch small live streamers that have no viewers and talk to them. it always makes me warm inside.
    — botreally

  5. I always, always thank customer service people even if all they can tell me is that i am sol.
    — ChefRoquefort

  6. Give-away shit I don't need anymore instead of trying to sell it. Selling shit online is painful, I'd rather make someone's day with a gift. If it's like, a car I'll sell it though but yeah just cheaper things.
    — W_S_Preston_Esq

  7. I try and compliment service and retail workers. Their job sucks and me telling someone I like their shirt or something might cheer them up a bit. One time I told a cashier at Target that she had a nice smile and her response was “I have a boyfriend” to which I replied “so do I”. I’m not gay but she didn’t know that and she seemed quite embarrassed.
    — gilgamesh_v9

  8. There's this adorable fat cat that lives a few houses down from me. He's outside during the day because his owner works. I always like to stop and say hello and love on him. He gets excited when he sees me now, runs over and I let him sit on my lap and I pet him for a little bit, before I need to continue my walk to class.
    — NotoriousTNT

  9. Including people in conversations. Being a former shy person I have developed a sixth sense of identifying people in social settings who are too uncomfortable to jump in random conversations. I do my best to corral them and get them to break out of their shell. Sometimes I'm more successful than others, but every now and then you can tell it's all that person needed to get in a groove and enjoy the situation.
    — Ayo_Pudd

  10. My daughter and I go to a pizza shop on south Congress in Austin a few times a month. Its a cool spot. We always order a pizza that is too big, intentionally - eat half and take the rest to go. There are always homeless folks around Austin and they never hesitate to take the leftovers from my daughter. Feeding the poor and teaching my daughter invaluable lessons for $30.
    — dmoney78660

  11. Hold doors open for people.
    — shade114

  12. Cook for my wife. It's the only thing I'm any good at and she's the only person i see on any kind of regular basis. It makes me feel like a less shit person if I take care of the best person I know.
    — throwawaybreaks

  13. Allowing other cars to merge in front of me, or let them pull out of a driveway if I can do so without impeding drivers behind me. It just feels nice when someone does it for me, and I do it in the hopes that others feel the same about it and start doing it themselves.
    — TrebuchetTurtle

  14. i like to do as much as possible. but my favorites probably just drive by compliments.. just walking/biking/driving etc and complimenting them as we pass. Never breaking pace so they usually don't even have time to react. simple, "you look beautiful today/love your outfit/etc"
    — Fullskee707

  15. Give simple compliments. Some people ignore it when I say something, for others it is a small smile. But what really matters is the super small percentage that it is the best part of their day. A small compliment can turn around someone's mood/attitude.
    — out-on-a-farm