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What becomes useless when everyone starts using it?
- That out-of-the-way bathroom in the office that no one uses so you can take a shit in peace.
— VictorBlimpmuscle
- The back road that is a longer distance, but quicker to use during rush hour.
— FetchFrosh
- Loopholes. They get closed.
— Notmiefault
- Those "fast pass" things that let you skip lines at amusement parks.
— Ted_Denslow
- A beach.
— henrikose
- Wi-Fi
— Hwhiskee
- The "exclusive" label.
— e033x
- The commons. It’s a real tragedy.
— BillBushee
- The passing lane on highways - especially when some drivers refuse to relinquish it.
— Back2Bach
- A bachelor's degree.
— AndyJayyRayy