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What are some weird things you can do that most people can’t?
- Merge into traffic.
— EnterPlayerTwo
- I can look forward and make my eyes “vibrate”?
Basically looking side to side so quickly somehow it looks like they’re shaking.
Edit: I had no idea so many people could do this! I’ve only met one other person my entire life who could!
— lerendipitous
- If left to my own resources, and with very little external stimuli, I can successfully worry myself to the point of physical sickness.
— jaythejayjay
- I can rumble my ears. (Technically it's by tensing the [tensor tympani muscle](, but a lot of people look at you like you're crazy if they can't do it and as though it's a thing that everyone can do if they can.)
— Portarossa
- I can move the toe next to my big toe individually so that it looks like a little worm head-banging
— anjadup
- I can crack my lower back when I clench my butt...
— Sweet_Weapon
- I'm sure everyone could do it if they tried but i can snort a necklace up my nose and cough it out my mouth. It will be hanging out my nose and mouth at the same time. Then u just give a little tug on both ends, one at a time going back and forth - super classy way to attract the attention of the opposite sex ;)
— scaffelpike
- Bend just the tips of my fingers
— cmjohnson7799
- like the star wars prequels
— Augusto_Cannoli
- Put my balls in my ass!
— Imaginary_Chemist
- I can rotate my tongue almost entirely upside down without touching it
— GorillaS0up
- I can cut a deck of cards with one hand. In more than one way. It is harder than it sounds
— dnjprod
- sometimes my jaw gets hitched open and i have to force it shut, and it pops loudly and painfully. it can happen randomly, it's not enough trouble to get it checked out, but goddamn does it hurt sometimes.
— Sweet_Weapon