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You have been accepted for an experiment: you must stay in a room with nothing but bed/toilet/food/water and no human contact for one month. If you succeed for the whole month without giving up, you get $5,000,000. Do you accept? And what are your coping strategies to avoid mental breakdown?

  1. >no human contact I've already got that down.
    — argf00

  2. I'd probably figure out how to carve on the walls, create art.
    — Stationdesmith

  3. I would try. I'm a pretty big daydreamer and I think that between day dreaming and sleeping, I would manage.
    — Redhriel88

  4. I think I would start talking to all of the halucinations I would start having. I would probably do a lot of stuff that involved moving my muscles and touching the walls/floor so I don't feel so alone. Edit: [this]( is what I was thinking about when I was talking about hallucinating, sensory deprivation is tough.
    — demnugs13

  5. I would try to vividly remember everything I've ever liked. I'd think of songs, books and movies I like and try to dissect what I like about them and how they relate to other things and what they mean to me. Greatest hits of memories. Think of the future. Think about what kind of life I want to live when I get out, try to prioritize what means the most to me and plan what steps I can take when I get out to make what I've been thinking about a reality. I think it's doable if you know it's only a month and there is a reward at the end. When people go crazy from isolation it tends to be because they have no idea if or when it will end. Even if it does end, the future still tends to be bleak. The hopeless is what gets you, not the isolation.
    — Relax007