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Whats the worst that would happen if you shouted out "fuck" as load as you can at this moment in time?

  1. I'm on public transport. I think everybody would flat out ignore it.
    — Ierpier

  2. My entire class would stare at me as if I just murdered someone and I’d probably get suspended.
    — threemanweave

  3. My boss would ask me if my Excel crashed again
    — JimmyGodoppolo

  4. I work in a military office. Half the people here would shout "fuck" back. We're like wolves howling. It only takes one to start and then the rest join in. There's one guy in the office who says "No no no!" to himself every time something goes wrong. So then the entire section will start yelling "NO NO NO!" loudly across the office. That's like 5 people all yelling "NO NO NO!" 3-4 times a day. EDIT: As per request, I let out a long exasperated "FUUUUUUUUUCK". In response I got "I hear ya!", "Tomorrow is Friday!" and "Fucking A!", then someone started quoting Hudson from Aliens "Fuckin A man! Fucking A! Game over man, Game over!"
    — DuctTapeChainsaw

  5. My boss would say something like "wow. bad morning?" and then my whole row would laugh.
    — superkp

  6. Contempt of court. 😳
    — Lifestooshorty10

  7. I'd get kicked off the bus and forced to walk to school which would make me late for my 1 class that I plan on attending today. So coming today would be even more pointless
    — NotABurner2000

  8. My wife would yell back, "no, I've got a headache"
    — invincib1e

  9. I would hear "..same" come from somewhere in my small office.
    — viberider

  10. Teach about 40 elderly Chinese people in the airport a new word. And have the younger generation call me a rude foreigner. Especially that guy with the baby. He's been looking at me funny already.
    — BoltmanLocke

  11. My puppy would probably stop chewing on her toy and look at me funny Edit: My Puppy.
    — alphenos

  12. I’m in bed with my wife and dog, wrapped up in white linens holding in a fart I don’t trust. Shouting anything would be ill advised.
    — adarias

  13. My husband would come in and ask if my water broke
    — LlLlTH