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You can suddenly eliminate one thing from existence with no consequence, what is it?

  1. Mosquitoes.
    — ickshter

  2. Cancer
    — ThinkSoftware

  3. My allergies to pollen. I'm dying at this time of year
    — _She_DED

  4. Suffering Ya'll welcome
    — Whitelight5

  5. Mental health issues. Watching family go through this is rough. I just feel like we could be way more advanced of a society if we didn't have to deal with it.
    — redditorrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. Sneezing. I want to see how long it would take for people to notice.
    — fyhr100

  7. people who dont use turn signals
    — LeastRiskBombLocatio

  8. Poverty. With no consequences the world would easily adapt to the increase food consumption and housing requirements and any other issue that might arise from everyone being able to support their family
    — AdditionalHope

  9. enemy hanzo
    — itslqb

  10. Mosquitoes. Banish them to some other hell.
    — YourDreamsWillTell

  11. Mosquitos. No more malaria, dengue, chikungunya, west nile virus, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, filiariasis, and many more. Malaria kills 1 million people per year, mostly young kids. As many as 500 million people don't die, but go through racking fevers that last weeks and are debilitating to say the least. Dengue affects 390 million people, and is also known as breakbone fever due to the excruciating pain it causes. Rarely it goes hemorrhagic and you bleed to death from every orifice. Chikungunya was once studied as an agent of bioterrorism; causes severe bone and joint pain, and may create relapses decades down the road. So many, many more......
    — Zihn

  12. War
    — towns-with-signs