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Husbands of Reddit, what is something your wife does or says that makes you think “Man, I love her”?

  1. I was in the shower and I forgot to get a towel. She came in to use the toilet and noticed I didn't have a towel, so without me asking, she got one. When she was done in the bathroom, she left and turned out the light, forgetting I was in there taking a shower.
    — BizzyM

  2. I recently developed rotator cuff tendinitis. She rubbed my shoulder last night for an hour and a half so I could fall asleep.
    — MyNameIsKodos

  3. Because my wife is a night owl, far more than me, I go to sleep earlier than her (on work nights). When I leave in the morning for work, I always give her a kiss on her forehead. Every day, for the past 25 years, except when I'm away on business. I do it gently and try not to wake her. Occasionally I have some bad insomnia and struggle to sleep and won't be all the way asleep before she comes in, so I might be in that semi-sleep haze and I just lie there. That's when I found out that before she goes to sleep, she kisses me on the forehead.
    — Evadrepus

  4. My wife donated her kidney to my father. Edit:Wow! I appreciate all the kind words and support. I am a very average guy who was lucky to be blessed with such a generous & loving wife for which I am very thankful.
    — azsoup

  5. When after a long day, I realize she is as happy to see me as I am to see her. She always greets me with a smile no matter what.
    — Bettiephile

  6. She sometimes keeps her eyes closed and lips pursed after a quick peck on the lips, so that I’ll give her another. I always love it.
    — BreatheMyStink

  7. The other day my pregnant wife accidently locked herself in our new storage shed and I had to drive an hour home to save her. Tl;dr: She makes me laugh.
    — GooVag

  8. Sometimes when I least expect it, she'll make a **really** terrible pun.
    — nemo_sum

  9. Years ago after back surgery I was in a body cast with, um, limited movement and range of motion. Even on heavy narcotics, one must poop eventually. She wiped my butt for me. For months. If we hadn't already been married, I would have married her that first day. Love isn't sex or great cooking or walking on the beach together. It's holding her hair while she pukes, or doing the grossest things you can think of and still looking them in the eyes and smiling.
    — 500SL

  10. I saw her have superhuman strength while her grandmother, who was really important to her, was slowly dying from metastatic cancer over the course of a month. I said to her, you are a soldier. Two months later I got diagnosed with cancer. Right after walking out of the doctor’s office she turns around and says, you think I was a soldier? You haven’t seen anything. We’re gonna beat this thing together. That was three years ago. I’m still in remission and we’re going to try for our first kid next year. I’m pretty fucking lucky. Edit: thank you so much for your kindness, you all. And thank you for the gold. It feels like an honor. What often gets lost in discussions of sexual pursuit is how it’s all become so superficial. The conversations on apps like Tinder are the most banal. What we have is loyalty for each other. I’ll fight for her until my dying breath and she has proven to do the same for me. But I get how difficult it is to find that. It took me a lifetime, a terrible (but incredibly lucky) divorce, and trying circumstances to find someone with empathy and principles. I hope you all find the same. I suspect to find that you have to be those things some of the time too. Edit 2: to some asking, it’s a relatively rare blood cancer called multiple myeloma. Fortunately it’s one area where a lot of technological advance has occurred in the last few years. I hope I’ll be around for a long time to see that my kid grows up honest, loyal, pragmatic but with a big heart.
    — HispNYC

  11. She lets me be me. And supports me when I doubt myself. She’s the fucking best. Been through the thick and thin. We were dirt poor living with my parents and now we make really good money and live comfortable.
    — RiverDonkeey

  12. I know I love her because when something cool or funny happens, I say to myself, "I can't wait to tell Debra!". I lost her last August after almost 30 years of marriage, and I still do that every day.
    — 9rZero4

  13. Because of reasons, I can't eat beef or tomatoes. While I've come to terms with that, there are some foodstuffs that I miss. My GF makes peach salsa, which is delicious, but not uncommon. She also made a tomato sauce substitute out of carrots, beets and a pile of spices. It tastes the same. She used this to make a lasagna that I haven't been able to eat in years, but was my favourite. The first batch came out a bright pink (I didn't care. At all) but after that she even got the colour right. She's a keeper. Edit: Holy hell, this got a lot of love. She's not available at the moment, but I'll post the recipe here when I can. Watch this space.
    — CP_Creations