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If you could cure and eradicate only 1 disease, what would it be and why?

  1. Dementia, because people are going to continue living longer lives and it's going to become even more of a problem than it already is. I also think dementia (especially Alzheimer's) is one of the cruelest diseases because you are physically pretty healthy but your entire identity slowly erodes into nothing. It's a terrible process to watch from the perspective of family members and friends. Both of my grandmothers had it so I'm doomed from both sides.
    — Saguaromatic

  2. Depression- You don't die once. You die a little everyday, pieces of you break away bit by bit and it isn't always as easy to rebuild yourself. Oftentimes you're already long dead, before you die physically.
    — magnumgreed

  3. Parkinson's/ALS/Huntington's, one of the diseases that leaves your mind intact and your body out of your control. I'd cure them over cancer any day.
    — c_anderson1390

  4. Cancer. Fuck cancer.
    — VerdeCaelum

  5. Cancer. It's so devastating to watch somebody have a disease that slowly eats away at them...and it's expensive, too.
    — jeff_the_nurse

  6. Neurofibromatosis Almost every issue and problem I've had in my life stems from it. It sent me into the hospital several times, once for three and a half weeks right after I turned 12 with several brain tumors, and many times since. I had a tumor in my hip removed from my sciatic nerve in December and am still in so much pain I can barely get out of bed some mornings. I've literally had nightmares about passing it onto my kids. Fuck it.
    — ElderCunningham

  7. Nephrotic Syndrome (type of kidney disease) because I'm selfish and I want to tell my daughter she doesn't need to take her medicine anymore. I'll keep my type 1 diabetes.
    — coderascal

  8. Dementia. It's the most disgusting and cruelest disease imaginable.
    — TwuntyMcWalloper

  9. HIV 100% it ruined the life of a good friend
    — fcobozo

  10. Food allergies, that way people can eat whatever they want without problems or fear or social anxiety
    — llcucf80

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