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Wives of Reddit, what’s something your husband does or says that makes you think, “Man, I love him”?

  1. Don't mind me just scrolling for tips.
    — G0DK1NG

  2. It's not so much what he says but what he does (actions DO speak louder than words). Every morning my bear wakes up half an hour before me, he makes himself a cup of coffe and then prepares a pot of tea for me. Every day. If we have had a massive fight the night before and we end up sleeping in separate rooms, I always wake up to a fresh pot of tea. Every single day. It's so simple and silly but it's a big thing to me.
    — Imtheonewhodiddleys

  3. He still manages to surprise me. Just last weekend I was visiting my sister and mom which was very stressful. When I got home he had made dinner and had flowers waiting on the table for me. I'm very lucky to have him.
    — mrs-fancypants

  4. Everything he does! He's especially cute when he sleeps because he will snuggle me and NOT move a muscle until I move him, which I hate to do. Every night I stay still as long as I can so I can bask in his sleepy embrace. I also love that he can make me laugh even when I'm incredibly upset. He just has to look at me and I'm smiling. I adore him completely.
    — starry-sea

  5. Not married yet (hopefully soon), but we've been together 5 years. 1. He's super smart and super inquisitive, meaning he'll research a new topic in depth every couple of weeks and tell me all about it. He always keeps me on my toes. Right now, we're breeding tree frogs and it is the coolest science experiment I've ever done. He set up a breeding tank with a pump that makes it rain like in their natural habitat, and even set up a fogger and some sweet lights. We currently have about 100 baby frogs. I've lost hours staying up with him watching them. 2. He loves to snuggle. And he feels so good. Whenever we sleep, we do it intertwined; he's the comfiest body pillow I've ever had. I can hardly get a good night's sleep without him. Too many things to list so I'll leave it at those two.
    — Lisamarieducky

  6. Not married yet, but before my fiancé and I got engaged, his roommate had a cat who was very skittish and would usually run away whenever my fiancé walked in the door. Whenever the cat didn't run away for whatever reason, he would sit next to her and stroke her head and whisper that he was never going to let anything happen to her, and that he would always make sure she was safe. She wasn't even his cat.
    — operahermit

  7. When I hurt or just feel crappy and he asks, “What can I do to help you?” Makes me glad I married him 25 years ago.
    — Bookwormy13

  8. When do you want dinner? Then he makes me dinner.
    — kemiking

  9. I hope someone says "He puts on his robe and wizard hat"
    — Sanscosmic

  10. *takes notes*
    — Qiex

  11. Most recently, it's the times he randomly thanks me for being a good mom. He'll give me a hug and kiss and tell me how much he appreciates everything I do, and that I'm doing a great job with our daughter. Joke's on him though, he's a million times more amazing.
    — MicheleMyHellsBells

  12. There isn't **one** thing that does it. Its everything he does. * We would have dates before we were married, in his Lab while he was working on his Masters, AND working full time. The only free time he had was at his Lab doing his experiments and stuff for his Masters. He promised it wouldn't always be like this, and when he was done with school he would take me on proper dates. **He kept his word** * He has gone through hell, to move to my country to be with me. * When I am on my monthly, I come home to my fave chocolates, pain killers, and a hot water bottle waiting for me. Because he knows how bad it gets for me. * There was one point in our relationship where I truly had a 'crazy girlfriend/fiance' moment. I am truly ashamed of it, I have never acted like that before or after. He had every right to leave me for what a stupid brat I had acted like, but he didn't. He stuck with me, and helped calm me down. * I found out some really sucky medical news in the beginning of our relationship. We had only been talking for a hot minute, he had no reason to stick around. But he did, and helped me through it all. That was the **very** first moment I realized, this guy is different than all the rest. This guy is special. * He works on our house every weekend, fixing it up to make it our dream home. It's our first home, and its great, but needs some work. He is doing everything he can to make it perfect for us. * He gets super hot if we cuddle throughout the night, so he always has to move away from me. BUT, he makes sure some small part of him is touching me when we sleep. His feet touching mine, his butt touching my butt, lol. I sleep best that way, its comforting. * The fact that he loves me even though he knows all my faults, all the bad parts of me. **That's real love** To know all of someones flaws, and love them anyways. God, its something I never thought I would find in this world. So I try my best to be for him, what he is for me.
    — iamnoking

  13. He doesn't drink coffee, but still know how I want mine, down to perfection. :)
    — Armagedia

  14. He spoils me rotten. He goes gets the groceries, gets me gas, makes me food/gets me food, and is an amazing father. I do all the cleaning but it pales in comparison to what he does for me. He buys me gifts all the time, even if it's small. He lets me be my weird self and let's me rant about all my nerdy hobbies. He accepts my flaws especially my forgetfulness even if it does annoy him. I've already told him that there is no other man more perfect for me than him. I vowed that if he passes, I'm remaining single for the rest of my life. Really no one can top him. We're going on 4 years married this May and 7 seven together this past January. I'm excited for the next 30+ plus years we have left in the future.
    — Izuku_Urameshi

  15. His whole personality. He is just so calm and responsible, he makes me feel completely secure. Everytime I read a story about someone's jealous, insecure, controlling, cheating, etc partner I just appreciate that those things are not happening in my life.
    — HateradeK