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What are some clear signs that someone has absolutely given up?

  1. We want to make everyone aware that if you need help, resources are available. There's /r/suicidewatch where well-meaning and sympathetic people will try and help, but be aware they aren't trained. The website is a global list of local suicide help charities. You can use it to find a hotline in your country that you can call or email them for free. They'll speak to you and try and help you without being judgmental. *I am a bot. Please [contact the moderators of /r/AskReddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*
    — AskRedditModerators

  2. When the facade is too tiring for them to keep up and there’s a distinct change in their behaviour.
    — Nineflames12

  3. stop brushing teeth or washing hair/ lose discipline/binge eat or starve/stop returning phone calls and texts/stops having plans/do not care if and what they eat next/lose interest in movies,music,ideas,fashion,society, politics. No sex drive. No drive at all. Life force is gone. Any small thing takes huge effort. Rage at people who demand time/attention/emotional response Just want to be left alone in my bed and disappear
    — StandardObjective

  4. You have to tell them to shower because they can't remember when they last did or it was an unacceptably long time ago.
    — lyleeleigh

  5. Even though nothing has gotten better, they stop complaining. *Edit:* thank you for the gold, but if anyone else has $5 burning a hole in their pocket, please consider donating it to your local mental health charity instead. [Example](
    — LemonFreshenedBorax

  6. When something absolutely terrible happens and rather than react like any other human being, they just sigh.
    — xxkoloblicinxx

  7. In life or in a relationship? In life: Not going to work, not caring about personal hygiene, saying whatever comes to their mind no matter who it hurts In relationships: Not talking, no physical affection, staying out as late as possible so you don’t have to cross the other person’s path... Is everything okay, OP?
    — nvenvy

  8. It's not the way they talk or the way they act. It's that look in someone's eye, if you have never been that low before you won't see it, you won't be able to see it. It's that dead look in the eye like nothing matters, they can be talking to you but somehow you can see in their eyes they aren't really there. They might be thinking about how this doesnt even matter or how they are just so tired (of life). There is no life in the eyes, these people are on auto mode they do and act the same as everyone but deep down the spark that fuels the soul has gone out. Edit: Thanks for gold
    — Prondox

  9. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you mean, but before the people I know have attempted or succeeded suicide, they get somber. There is a very clear difference between someone who is extremely depressed and someone who is about to kill themselves. It's a very strange calmness. If this is you, OP, get help. If it's your friend or family member, make them get help. You don't want to lose them, and the world doesn't want to lose you. I hope whatever it is gets better.
    — anaheim3123

  10. they start to withdraw from their friends/family/the whole world. stop caring about their appearance/possibly lose their appetite. they stop caring about anything materialistic. source - someone who has given up for the most part
    — wwe20180