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What Screams "I am from the North"?

  1. Hoodie and shorts man classic northern attire.
    — lordfreakingpenguins

  2. Asking everyone around you, "**This** is supposed to be cold?" when you're in a southern state during winter.
    — arcadiaware

  3. US: the accent. UK: the accent.
    — the-camster

  4. wearing a winter jacket and shorts at the same time
    — davidswoosh

  5. In my country, a Scottish accent.
    — Lavrentiiy

  6. When you follow the old Gods.
    — TwentyTwenTwen22

  7. The carpet bags edit: thanks for the gold!
    — thedjotaku

  8. “Omg it’s 70 degrees outside, I’m fucking melting!”
    — gaypirate3

  9. Cheese curds for blood. Wearing shorts and a hoodie at the same time. Constantly talking about the weather. Having seasonal wardrobes but never putting either in storage. Passive aggressiveness. Apologizing for someone running into you/apologizing to inanimate objects.
    — thediz1396

  10. When they cringe when you mention sweet tea.
    — atticuslodius

  11. "Oh ya." Often augmented by "you betcha." "Well that's different," when you encounter a feller saying or doing something odd, or something strange in general. "Nice day we're havin," when it's 33 degrees F. "How ya doin today?" Answer: "Not too bad."
    — LyleTheMosquito