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Which fanbase has been betrayed the most?

  1. I'd say anyone who's a fan of any Konami game. "Love Metal Gear? We're firing the creator! That Silent Hill game we were making with Del Toro? Canceled! Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go make Pachinko machines out of your favorite video games (instead of making actual video games)."
    — pjwestin

  2. Cleveland Browns- Fire every head coach every two years, except the one who went 1-31
    — dork-vader1

  3. Fans of the *Fable* video game series. Peter Molyneux was, at one point, the most hated man in video game history.
    — arbitrarical

  4. My Name is Earl anyone? How tf are you gonna end on a crazy cliffhanger like that!? The show was silly and all but you really get attached to the characters and hope the best for them.
    — PowerfulJoeF

  5. I don't see Spore on here but let me tell you that situation felt really shitty for me. Spore was a game that was meant to be Sim Life realized. Before the release when we got those first videos of the microbe/sea life/land life video? life simulator fans went nuts. This was OUR game. We are a niche of gamers that basically never get catered to and here came Maxis to deliver the sim game of the century. The fan page was literally filled with hypothetical species people were going to make with whole text book entries as to where and how this species lived. There were arboreal animals in trees, cave animals, deep sea filter feeders, everything. And then Spore came out. The animal portion got dumbed down a ton. Basically animals all behaved the same except some chewed on fruit and danced with other species and some murdered and ate other species. You built creatures by digging up fossils and unlocking random bits. Yeah.. And everything was bound to land pretty much and nested on the ground. No interesting life cycles or niches. Just wacking things to death and dancing with the neighbors. The whole ocean part was just flat out removed and if you dared venture into the water you got chomped by the fucking swamp creature's kaiju cousin. And all that innovative animal sim stuff was basically cut to make room for the most watered down rip offs of other games imagineable. Watered down shitty RTS, watered and watered down shitty civilization style city stage. Two unmemorable boring filler stages everyone hated to act as filler for the space age, which was just you floating around in a space ship terraforming planets and making colonies so they could get attacked by pirates and crap all so you could fight your way to the center of the galaxy and get a rod that... lets you terraform a couple more planets for free. Some space stuff was sort of fun, but I would have happily cut ALL of it to keep the animal evolution and ecosystem sim and made that a complete game. Instead we got an unmemorable disappointment that became the poster child for spreading your game too thin. And we have never seen anything like the original Spore promise.
    — Malaix

  6. There was a 90s computer animated show called "ReBoot", the series had a good run but a trilogy of movies ended on a cliff hanger. ReBoot has since been rebooted, the trailer is bad, very bad.
    — bootwhistle