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Non-Russians of Reddit, what is a question about Russia you wanted to ask the most?

  1. Everyone has these political questions, and I just want to know if everything is grey and washed out over there. Every movie or scene that features Russia is cold, grey and depressing. Also, I am colorblind, so if you could describe it in detail I would appreciate it.
    — Saintblack

  2. Did you actually vote for Putin? Asking for a friend.
    — Potatopanda08

  3. is everyone really just a bear riding a unicycle?
    — robob2700

  4. Do you guys get offended by the ridiculous amount of American espionage movies which portray you as the villains? To add to that, are there just as many Russian espionage movies which portray Americans as the villains?
    — BrokenBrain123

  5. Do you wish that we could all just be friends?
    — Jumpinalake

  6. Are you happy? I feel like the whole western trying to make out that you're evil etc, but are things okay at home?
    — Jovian09

  7. I am an American who is super fascinated by Russia (currently studying Russian history in college). Is there any historic events you see as important that isn’t commonly studied and does anyone have advice for learning Russian? (I’m taking Russian next semester)
    — Erectodus

  8. Do you guys love to play chess? It seems most of the top ranked chess players are either from Russia or former Soviet states.
    — interxavier01