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What do you think is the most realistic cause for an apocalypse?

  1. Most realistic? Flu. Now we have the 17 hour flight from Australia to London imagine how fast a flu virus could travel and infect THOUSANDS of people within 1 day. Scary shit.
    — slimazoid

  2. Nukes. Vault-Tec better show up soon or we'll have some issues.
    — MightyBobTheMighty

  3. - Super volcano eruption - Pandemic - Astroid strike - Nuclear war
    — heiZ9

  4. I think it would be the confluence of multiple global catastrophes. In the military, there is the idea of a 'two war doctrine', meaning you maintain your armies to the point that they can handle two wars or fighting on two fronts at a time. Similarly, I think that we as a planet can handle a global catastrophe, maybe two, after that, I think it gets very dicey. The problem is that there are several events that could cascade into multiple global impact events. An example; unusually high temperatures in the poles create a massive melt-off, change in temperature gradients alter global currents and jet streams, which in turn alters weather patterns and salinity levels affecting food production, drought and flooding create civil unrest leading to tensions, wars and political conflicts leading to mass migrations and further conflicts. Now, that's all bad enough, but what happens if we get hit by a giant meteor, earthquakes, supervolcano, or the magnetic poles reverse, or there is some kind of solar event that disrupts all electronic communication? At some point the balance tips in favor of a mass extinction event. It's not like it hasn't happened before.
    — coprolite_hobbyist

  5. Super bugs caused by our overuse of antibiotics
    — Artyom12345

  6. The earth will be destroyed for a new space highway
    — ForcefulCloud

  7. Conflicts over water. And let's not think nukes are a relic of bygone days my friends.
    — widowfromvrindavan

  8. Massive solar flare that fries all electronics. Instant stone age, we'd be eating each other in a week.
    — Minotaur11