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What was your biggest 'Oh Hell No!' moment where you saw a situation as very creepy or scary?

  1. There was this guy called "The Butcher" on my street growing up. They called him that cause he was a butcher. Family had at least a screw loose though. I was semi friends with his oldest kid. On Halloween I go up to his house, I was like 11 or 12. They had these large spear looking things up on each post of their little wood fence that ran up the side of the driveway. On the top of each was what looked like pig and cow heads, with blood dripping down the spikes. I got up there, said, "hey man, those things look so real." (to the son) And he responded, "they are... wanna come in the garage and I'll show you all the other cool dead stuff we got?" I never trick or treated there again. I'm glad it was the kid who said it though, if the big creepy dad had I probably could have cried or shit myself right there.
    — billbapapa

  2. Hard to top the stories from people who’ve been in the armed forces but here it goes. I went to a university in a not so nice area of my city. my senior year I lived off campus by a few blocks close to the edge of what most students considered the “safe zone”. So one night I’m walking to the other end of campus to grab drinks with friends and when I reach the end of my block, a guy riding a bike with one hand, drinking a four loko, comes riding by saying “get off the block someone’s about to get shot.” I said “thanks” and booked it about 30 seconds before the shooting started. Didn’t stop til I was on the other side of campus. TL;DR: if a guy tells you someone’s gonna get shot, start running. EDIT: yes it was Temple U
    — swheels125

  3. I used to live in a kind of rough neighborhood. I went walking down the Dollar General near where I lived and saw a guy approaching the store wearing a ski mask. I immediately noped and started walking the other direction. It was then that I realized it was January and below freezing out. I might be a coward.
    — SharkGenie

  4. I grew up in eastern Washington, which is full of scrub desert, which means you have to deal with rattlesnakes. I was 8 or so, and at my grandparents', and everyone went down to the lake to swim. For some reason, I stayed behind for a while, and decided I would join them later. So I'm walking down this dirt road, and I hear a rattle in front of me. I'm like, "Hmmm... is it worth it to risk walking by a rattlesnake?" I decided Nope and start walking back up the road. Ten feet later, I hear a rattle in front of me _again_. So, here I am, young kid, rattlesnakes in front and behind. I walked back and forth a few times hoping that _this time_ there wouldn't be a rattle, but there always was. I'm freaking out, nearly crying, I shout a few times but no one's near enough to help me, and I'm just boxed in between these two rattles. Eventually, I pump myself up and just _book it_ back up the road to my grandparents', and spend the rest the day shaking and playing solitaire. Here's the thing: it was probably just bugs. There are bugs that make the same damn sound as rattlesnakes to scare off predators, and they're way more common than actual rattlers. I even knew that at the time, and kept telling myself that, but when you're 8 and alone and in "hidden murder animal" territory, logic is a cold comfort.
    — Azuaron

  5. The time I lifted a burlap sack with the tip of my rifle and found an IED underneath (we had apparently interrupted the emplacement, so it didn't go off). The boys in the truck said they didn't know white guys could jump that high. Edit: Well, my highest rated comment is about the time I was an idiot in a warzone, lol. Repeat after me: when in an area with an active insurgency, if you see something on the ground that you didn't put there, don't touch it! Stay safe out there, kids.
    — cdragen

  6. I’ve posted this before, but it definitely fits here: In the early 2000s I worked as a forestry technician doing lot surveying and tree marking for timber companies in remote Northern California. At the time, there was a major offensive by the federal government against cartel-run marijuana grow operations in the area. These areas were so remote that growers would pack in during the winter and set up their operation for the year with the expectation of never seeing anyone from the outside besides occasional support deliveries. Given the nature of my job - essentially a reconnaissance scout with a paint can - our company was visited by a group of feds who asked for our help in locating the grow operations. We were instructed on what to look for and what to do should we encounter suspicious activity in remote areas (basically mark it on the map and run the other way) and what to be extra careful of: booby traps. The “typical” booby trap array at a grow site was described as follows: Outer perimeter - scare/alert devices: these were noise makers set up like a rudimentary alarm system. I was told that mouse traps with shotgun shells and trip wires were common. The trap’s bail would snap onto a pin setting off the shell and alerting your neighborhood cartel sentry... while costing the victim at least his underwear. Second perimeter - physical deterrents: there was a creative list but the one that I remember most was “high-test fishing line strung with large treble hooks at face/neck level, concealed in the thick brush”. I’ll let that one sink in... Inner perimeter - armed workers. Something about the occasional sniper nest. With all that as context, we went on our merry way that summer without much incident. A few busts in neighboring areas made the news - the casual thousand plants or so - but that was typical for the time. Then, one morning, I found myself staring at black irrigation pipe beneath my feet, on the side of a mountain, up a canyon, miles from the truck, which was MILES from anything that resembled a paved road. As my awareness heightened, I realized that the manzanita brush looked unusual. Taking it all in, I start to understand what’s going on: the clever growers have “hollowed out” the manzanita - essentially cutting the understory branches and leaving a canopy (I would come to find later that this was to hide the field of plants from aerial surveillance). As I marveled at the ingenuity, the gravity of my situation started to take shape. I was in the heart of the operation, not on the perimeter. Silently screaming on the inside, I quietly made my way out of the area over what felt like an eternity, all the while visions of my head being shot off the top of my neck at any moment playing on repeat. The feds razed the area later that summer and rounded up some pretty beat looking workers. According to the story told to us on a second visit from the feds, the workers were asking for leniency as they hadn’t killed anyone even though they had multiple opportunities to do so with outsiders being lined up in their gun sights. Things have since calmed down quite a bit up there it seems.
    — AcuteMtnSalsa

  7. I was driving down a two lane when the car in front of me approaching the light swerved a bit into the opposite lane. I look and quickly discover three brown bags in the middle of the my lane (unavoidable when you are quickly approaching or if the car in front of you quickly swerves). As my car goes over the bags I immediately discover they are actually giant cinder blocks from the sounds of it against my car. My first assumption was that some high school kids were being dumb and placed them there. Being a concerned citizen and not giving it a second thought, I pulled a u turn into the opposite lane lane to go throw the blocks to the side so someone didn’t get hurt. As I do that a man in all black covering his entire body and face comes out of no where walks across the lane and stares into my soul. Not sure what his intentions were but obviously not great!! I was so caught of guard. My window was down and we locked eye contact for a solid 20 seconds as I slowly drove away. I proceeded to keep driving and called the cops. I looped back around after I saw cop car and another car that actually was broken down on the side of the road. Clearly the guy was trying to trap people. I’ll never know what his intentions were but it was creepy AF. Lesson learned!
    — The_avocado_girl

  8. I woke up a little late for school one morning. Normally, my little sister and I would walk together. Because I got up late and saw her grabbing her shoes, I figured she was already out the door and gone by the time I got done getting ready. So I'm heading to the elementary school we would cross every morning, speed walking. Its still dark, the sun isn't even up yet. And then I hear my sister scream my name from behind me. Edit: it was here - When I heard her yell my name out of fear, from behind me, that I had the thought, *"Oh Hell No!"* I turned around really fast and saw her about 3 city blocks back, just under the last lit up street light I passed on my way, and a very tall, skinny, bald guy passing her and keep going. I yell her name back, and meet her half way. She was pretty shaken. I was 16, she was 14. We continued to the elementary school and let them know what happened. The man had something in his hand, "about the size of a hairbrush" (according to sis) and asked my sister, *"Hey, can I ask you something real quick?"* to which she said, *"Never ask me anything. Ever."* and started running to me and yelled my name. He might have been harmless. He might have really been holding a hair brush. He was wearing dark clothes, looked scary, holding something, and was approaching a 14 yo girl he *thought* was alone. Scary.
    — YouCanCallMeABitch

  9. Some one was giving away a free mini fridge on Craigslist. I drove there it was deep in heavy woods no one else around. I was already nervous but I pulled up and saw a hand close the curtains and there was a sign that said go around back with an arrow. I noped the fuck out don't need a used mini fridge that bad.
    — memeromemes

  10. Back in college I dated this real pretty girl from a bad neighborhood. I played sports, wrestled, and boxed so I knew a thing or two about self defense. I would pick her up once or twice a week. During the day I never had any problems but at night, people (gangbangers) were always hanging around. One time I picked her up at about 8pm, the sun was setting. While I was waiting for her I decided to wipe down the outside of my new car. While I was wiping it down two young guys, good looking but with baggy clothes, came up and started asking friendly questions including why I was there. I told them I was waiting, they asked me to take them to the liquor store while I was waiting. I politely declined but they became more persistent to the point of demanding. I remained polite and told them I had to go because my girl was ready. They both kind of laughed then looked at each other. One finally said I don't think you understand we are no longer asking. Let us borrow your car, and he blocked the driver door. I decided it was either give up my car and be left in a really crappy situation or man up and get the shit kicked out of me. I grabbed the guy leaning against the door and flipped him into the other guy. It gave me enough time to jump into my car and gtfo. I drove straight home. At that time my pager was going off and when I got home I called my girl and she proceed to cuss me out about how I hurt her cousin and he was just playing around. Needless to say that was the last time I spoke with her. I still don't know if he was playing or not but WHO THE FUCK PLAYS LIKE THAT.
    — xXPostapocalypseXx