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If you could display one "stat" over every persons head, which would you choose?

  1. Their compatibility with you; friendship or relationshipwise. Imagine being able to find a person just by looking at them and determining who you'd 100% be best friends with or would 100% be wifey material.
    — Nateriferous

  2. I'm bad with names, so just having people's names above their heads would be helpful. Not sure I want to sign away half my life for Shinigami eyes though
    — t9sling

  3. Attraction to me (either as person or sexually, combined both is fine)
    — huuaaang

  4. Dungeons and dragons style alignment. We finally get to see how many good people there really aren't in the world.
    — mikromancer

  5. The number of times you came across that person. Would be fun to see if you’re in a place far away from home.
    — MrMaverick82

  6. Number of objectively false statements they have made in their life. Then you could watch and see it update in real time to see when people were lying to you. Would also be really helpful for scientific advancement.
    — houinator

  7. Time left alive
    — YetAnotherBrad

  8. How full their bladder is. Lines for the bathroom would evolve and you wouldn't have to do the 'pee your pants dance' waiting.
    — mquinnton

  9. Interest level. Meaning that if you were in a conversation you could gauge how into the topic they are. It would be easy to navigate conversations better and get right to the interesting stuff.
    — mpicc

  10. Likelihood of physically attacking me. (Or you. It would be calibrated to each individual.) Sometimes it's obvious. I know that the kindly old lady two houses down who spends all summer gardening is a zero. (Unless I were to step on her geraniums, but even then, I'd probably just get a telling-off.) And someone running at me with an axe would be a 100. But what about the guy next to you on the bus? What about the guy who's telling you to smile? What about the catcallers? What about the guy you're on a first date with?
    — insertcaffeine

  11. How many days since i changed my bed sheets.
    — Tissueboxpleasesir

  12. Kindness \ Empathy
    — CatsAreTheBest2