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What completely killed a TV show for you?

  1. His personal life not withstanding, Two and a Half Men just wasn't the same without Charlie Sheen
    — satisfiedfools

  2. Troy (Donald Glover) leaving community. Also Pierce (Chevy Chase) started to bug me so much
    — csr28

  3. TWD: Repetitive story telling.
    — Geruchsbrot

  4. Steve Carell leaving The Office
    — vogdswagon26

  5. In Dexter, it was a combination of things that made me start to dislike it after the 4th season. But what really made me mad was the whole idea that Deb was in love with her brother. It was just too weird.
    — brokendowndryer

  6. They’ve replaced over half of the characters on the new seasons of Grey’s Anatomy so I stopped watching
    — alex_mariee1

  7. My grandmother watched Walker Texas Ranger when I was a kid, so I saw a lot of episodes. Did any show jump the shark this bad? Things that happened: Walker fights a skinwalker (a ghost) Walker saves a school bus full of children a drug cartel has buried underground Walker stops a Neo-Nazi hate group, and God blows out a burning cross Walker proves reincarnation is true, and fights a reincarnated martial artist hell-bent on corrupting the reincarnated Dalai Lama. Walker defeats a genetically-engineered super soldier who was given magical Buddhist regeneration powers from the kid who was the reincarnated Dalai Lama. That's the last of it I watched.
    — alegonz

  8. Family Matters, Urkel's crazy inventions, cloning himself and time traveling.
    — joeclark5

  9. Fairly odd parents. Every new character they fucking introduced. Poof was fine but fuck Sparky and Chloe.
    — LegendaryEdmonton

  10. TWD: when the 3rd Black male actor was killed and IMMEDIATELY replaced by another black actor. :(
    — Wataru2001

  11. Spongebob. It’s not a completely terrible show but it’s obvious now that the show has run on for too long and has suffered a clear decline in quality in the last couple of seasons.
    — LegendaryEdmonton

  12. Bones, when Bones got pregnant I stopped being able to watch the show.
    — sirstardust

  13. TWD-when Glenn “died” the first time but lived by hiding under the dumpster
    — LeTacoDispenser

  14. Heroes. I loved that show, I even got by season 2 because I knew the writer's were on strike and had hopes it'd bounce back. It was all good until that episode with the guy who could make miniature black holes, then I just couldn't get past such a lame power. It didn't stop with him either, Ando getting his own power was pretty stupid too. I later found out the original plan was to have a new cast for each season but since season 1's cast was so popular they decided to abandon that and keep the cast on. In hindsight they should have stuck to the original idea of having new characters and stories for each season.
    — Scrotom

  15. Arrow: the ridiculous excuse for "gun fights" in which no cover and about 15 yards of space means 3 guys with automatic weapons can't shoot the guy in leather armor who is literally just running/rolling like a regular human.
    — SeanyDay