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Who started off as the hero, and lived long enough to become the villain?

  1. Maximilien Robespierre. Helped start a revolution in France. There have been revolutions in history that I disagree with, but I think this one was pretty necessary. However, the Reign of Terror afterward was not as necessary. He was pretty much the head of the Reign of Terror and he did some really bad things. Sadly, "living long enough" was only a couple of years.
    — the_planes_walker

  2. Mr. Anime, he was one of the first anime YouTubers and was pretty popular during the time, then he murdered his entire family and was intercepted by police before he reached the school that he was going to shoot up.
    — neverluckysalt

  3. The people who made the Shrek films.
    — frazzlecake96

  4. O.J. Simpson
    — VictorBlimpmuscle

  5. **Captain Qwark** in the first Rachet & Clank game.
    — ReddittingAtSchool

  6. Anthony Weiner was a real rising star in the Democratic Party. Too bad he proved to be a nut job.
    — pol_pots

  7. Michael Keaton. Batman --> birdman --> the vulture
    — dark3impact