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What is not as dangerous as people say it is?

  1. Eating most foods after the expiration date.
    — theonlyyellowdart

  2. Australia. Have lived here for 29 years and spent a lot of time outside... still waiting to get bitten by anything larger than an ant.
    — priteeboy

  3. Eating and then going in the water no less than 30 minutes or whatever after won't cause you to cramp, heart attack, or anything else that would lead to your death.

  4. Despite the impressions your primary school teachers gave you, rocking on a chair does not cause the deaths of millions of schoolchildren every day.
    — Sockbocks

  5. Talking to strangers. What d'ya know, not everyone is out to get you.
    — 7h3b055

  6. Liquid nitrogen. You can stick your hand in it for a couple seconds and be fine. The leidenfrost effect will protect you.
    — Avocados_number73

  7. Most things, but people will say it's dangerous anyway because they know a guy who knows a guy who was killed by thing
    — t-o-double-g

  8. Flying
    — PyryA

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