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C average high-school students, where are you now in life?

  1. I work in EMS, so I make even less money than I did in high school
    — MachoManRandySlimJim

  2. year 7 of a 4 year college degree
    — electrelephant

  3. Office job in Asia. Basically a hired white guy. Hence I'm on Reddit all day.
    — RonaldTheGiraffe

  4. I'm a Software Engineer in the Bay Area turns out if you go to community college after high school, universities pretty much don't give a shit about your high school grades. I got a transfer guarantee to a half decent university and graduated with a CS degree. Got a job in the Bay Area about 6 months later. I was also a C student in college as well. \\\_(o\_O)_/
    — ashishvp

  5. FYI these comments are going to be heavily biased towards those C students who ended up doing well. the ones struggling are going to be less likely to comment or not have the time to.
    — snorlz

  6. Hated high school. But now have 3.8 GPA in college (started at a community college before transferring my credits to a better one). It's easier when you're studying something you actually *want* to study.
    — freakybe

  7. Started working construction right out of high school as a carpenter, stuck with it and got promoted to foreman. Continued to learn and got the opportunity to jump to assistant superintended for a home builder, did that for 3 years then jumped to multi-family construction. I am now a senior superintendent for a major player in the multi-family game. I earn 165k a year. I work stupid hours ( 60+ a week ) don’t have a ton of opportunity for vacations ext. but I love what I do. I support my family, have a big house in a nice town, get a new truck every few years. Construction represents a huge opportunity to people who are willing to roll up the old sleeves and jump in. If you are willing to learn, have 1/2 a brain and will work like a motherfucker you can make some serious money. Definitely worth consideration. There is a serious lack of young people taking up the hammer.
    — Jackbstn

  8. After six years of military service and a long struggle to get a bachelors, I’m finishing my masters degree in mechanical engineering. Been working as an engineer for five years now as well. Edit: Thanks everyone! More than doubled my fake internet points. Even if you’re not a great high school student, don’t worry. Sometimes it takes time and exposure to the real world to find your passion, or at least a career you can find satisfaction in. Just keep trying to learn and grow as a person!
    — dissapointo

  9. Age 26. Been a slacker in high school and college. Graphic designer in Los Angeles, CA with a $20/hr payrate and a consistent line of freelance work on the side. I actually made $25/hr at a previous job, but I left for various reasons. With both my full time and freelance work, I make about $60K a year, give or take a few. I have to say math is very important in some of the stuff I have to make. Decent apartment, good friends, minimal lifestyle, and frugal so I do live somewhat comfortably. I am far from materialistic so I don't really buy new clothes, games, etc. All I really want now is a girlfriend. D: It's not the best, but it's pretty damn good considering I always did the bare minimum prior to getting my first full time job. EDIT: I did not have a degree in graphic design. It was self taught. For perspective's sake. EDIT2: Whoa did not expect to get a lot of response. I'll try to get to each of you!
    — mmkaymedia

  10. Trying to learn Spanish but everyday there's a new obstacle. Given yesterday's shenanigans, tomorrow is going to be a doozie.
    — lyfncw

  11. I had a 2.6 GPA. So not C but B-, I work at a used book store and I hate my job. But grade averages only matter so far. You can do better if you want it. Do it try harder, don't be me. edit: and before anyone says anything, I know a 2.6 GPA isn't anything to write home about.
    — BreakfastJunkie

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