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What is one item almost everyone has, but never uses?
- A charger for an old device. None of my current devices take the old ipod charger, but... what if someone comes over... who doesn't have a charger?
— daitoshi
- The extra buttons that come with a dress shirt.
— theendofthesidewalk
- Those 4 stray birthday cake candles that constantly roll around in the "everything else" drawer in the kitchen. Those 4 candles that don't match in color or length, but all maintain the amazing ability to disappear the moment you need one.
— ksozay
- That battery at the back of a drawer we aren't sure is dead or not so keep it there discovering it every 4 months or so.
— Dazz316
- A big ass drawer of randomly colored pens that you will always dig through but can never find a black pen
— ForgotTheNapkins
- Don't we all have that one drawer filled with crap we never use?
— Derpazor1
- A fire extinguisher.
- That U2 album
— bennylogger