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What do you wish would hurry up and die?
- Clickbait. STOP CLICKING.
— lynnangel
- The open office trend in workplaces. Too loud to concentrate, no privacy, and colds/illness spread much easier.
— anameofnoconsequence
- People who bring an infant into a movie theater.
— scottiebass
- The Kim Dynasty
— LearningLifeAsIGo
- This plant on my desk. It's been slowly dying for like a year and I'm tired of looking at it but since it's still kinda hanging in there I can't bring myself to throw it out.
— fruitypants
- The "news" section of my snapchat being filled with shit about the Kardashians and similarly "famous" people. I could not give any less of a fuck about them, and I'd much rather they get out of the way so I can see either actual news, or garbage articles from Brother/Vice.
— MH24
- Dabbing. Dont know why but the dabbing craze infuriates me.
— bighairyyak
- The stupid fly which is buzzing around and keeps attempting to land on me.
— officedogsbody