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What is the best animal name you have encountered?
- A friend of mine named his cats Charlie and Murphy. So when it was dinner time, he would yell out "Charlie Murphy!".
— Mehlforwarding
- My friends ferret’s name was limousine cat
— Cheesy_gummybear
- Friend of mine had a three legged dog he named Yard. Because there are three feet in a yard...
— nahte1138
- A few of us were playing Xbox at a dudes house one evening, he was a friend of a friend. None of us knew him too well.
Host leaves the room with our buddy and shouts back to us, “boys, Martin might come in and sit with you for a bit, he’s harmless though”
We’re sitting there like, what the hell does he mean? Does he have a weird brother? A weird roommate?
Turns out it was his cat.
— onefortysevenone
- My parents took in a feral cat and named him Will Feral.
— opkc
- A friend has a snake named Mitch. Cracks me up every time I think about it. Mitch.
I honestly don’t know why. Just such an unexpected name for a snake I guess.
— jeremykitchen
- I have a fake pony whose name is Al Capony.
— Helena_Wren
- I knew a dog named Crack Money.
My dog's name is Bar Fight. People seem to enjoy that one. I'm glad I chose it because people like to say it and she loves people and the attention it gets her.
— EgyptiaElla
- Had a former GF who kept pet frogs. Most had normal pet names. And then there was "Number Four".
— EmperorOfNipples
- Was looking for a hedgehog to buy, and found one named ‘Sir Hissalot’
— Shadow-Kat-94
- I totally read this wrong and thought you meant the actual species or colloquial name at first and I immediately thought of animal names in German:
Stinktier – stink animal (skunk)
Faultier – lazy animal (sloth)
Schildkröte – shield toad (tortoise)
Waschbär – wash bear (raccoon)
Nacktschnecke – naked snail (slug)
Fledermaus – flutter mouse (bat)
Truthahn – "THREATENING CHICKEN" (turkey)
Yep. Best animal names I've ever encountered.
— fasolplanetarium
- My ex has a hedgehog named Sir Quilliam.
— kevik72
- Xenomorph, for a cat.
— niconicobeatch
- I LOVE it when pets have human names. None of this Fido, Fluffy or Spot rubbish.
I love and think its hilarious to see a cat called Jessica, or a dog called Simon or a goldfish called Nancy and stuff like that.
— alcoholicsnail