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What "Fee" is without a doubt a 100% money grab/extortion that companies are charging?

  1. Towing storage fees. I worked for a tow company in the city of Toronto, and quickly found out that they are effectively run as a legal mafia. $180 as soon as your vehicle reaches the lot, $70 storage after 4 hours that caps daily, but reoccurs every day you don't pick the vehicle up. If you don't pick up the vehicle after 60 days, under the Mechanics and Liens act the company then owns your vehicle, but you still owe them the thousands in accrued fees. These often go to collections and prey upon the most vulnerable of our society, as well as tourists given how awful the signage is. I understand that our infrastructure in the city is fucked and rush hour tows are necessary for the city to function, but the costs involved are absolutely ludicrous and beyond reason.
    — xellot

  2. The “maintenance fee” my gym charges. “Only 14.99 a month!!!! But we will also randomly charge you 40 dollars 4 times a year as a maintenance charge!” Yeah screw you. Having money randomly charged to your account is ridiculous and they should be very clear about that up front.
    — Nyana987

  3. I used to get all my bills in the mail on paper and there was always ~$2-3 extra for the cost of the paper and the mailing. Then I switched to get all bills in pdf form, however I still get the same ~$2-3 extra, but now it's for the "manual labour" of sending it to my email. I think it's pure bullshit.

  4. Convenience fees with ticketmaster. I hope millennials kill that fucking company soon.
    — insane__knight

  5. Online payment convenience fee
    — Jokerthewolf

  6. Being charged to print your own tickets. Paying for postage is fair enough; paying £2.50 to print the tickets yourself is ridiculous.
    — sirpsychosexxxxy

  7. Here in Chicago, almost anything you pay to the city, county or state has a *convenience fee* attached to it. There all still broke. They are like the mob.
    — thenewme2_0

  8. Shipping & handling fees imposed on items ordered online that far exceed the value of what's being purchased and that are much higher than standard shipping or mailing fees.
    — Back2Bach

  9. Cell phone activation fees. They're ridiculously easy to get waived if you make any kind of fuss about them.
    — ScregMcZuck

  10. Maintenance fees with a bank account. That fee does nothing extra for you, it's pure profit for the bank.
    — Ilovechocolatecake7

  11. I don't know if it's all banks, but my "overdraft protection" means they won't actually overdraft the account and process your bill, yet they still charge the same $35 fee. Why am I paying them to rub in the fact that I'm poor?
    — aestrin1379

  12. The documentation fee charged by car dealerships. Documentation isn't something special they are doing as an extra service for you; it's all the dealership really does. They don't build the cars after all. They just buy them and sell them for a profit. Every other business has paperwork too, but they don't just make up a fee for it.
    — TerribleWisdom

  13. ATM fees. I went to a bank that charged $4 this week - highest I've ever seen it.
    — donutshopsss

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