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What was the most agonizing hour of your life?

  1. Driving to pick up my sister, who was all alone, after she got the call that her boyfriend was lost to suicide. It felt like I hit every light, like my car couldn't go fast enough, like time wasn't moving. The drive only took me 20 minutes, but it felt like hours.
    — YesHunty

  2. probably the hour before i was knocked out for heart surgery. they give you a nice drug to relax you so you're not bouncing off the walls and freaking out, but your mind does nothing but wander until they give you the stronger drug that puts you under. not a good time 0/10 would not recommend.
    — hrhashley

  3. Toothache. I know that sounds silly. But i once had a massive infected abscess below my lower right wisdom tooth. I have had broken bones, been in multiple motorbike accidents, snapped ligaments, dislocated my jaw... Nothing came even 1% close to this. It was the true meaning of agony. I literally considered trying to knock myself unconscious to avoid the pain. I started punching myself in the head out of desperation and frustration. My dentist was pumping me full of anaesthetic and it didn’t change anything. Eventually i managed to half lie/half convince her to just tear the tooth out regardless of the anaesthetic. I have never felt such relief in my life.
    — SpankThuMonkey

  4. We were with my grandmother when she passed away in hospital, that was scary and tense listening to her breathing get worse.
    — hasoci

  5. Probably the hour I was in so much pain from brain swelling that it was crushing my brain stem. Edit: the pain happend over 3 days - but the worst was right before the ER vist.
    — Svenderman

  6. The one where my mothers, sisters and I, as young children, were forced to sit around the kitchen table with our hands visible, whilst surrounded by a SWAT team as my father was being arrested and our whole house was being searched, his office was emptied. My mom asked them if she could read us a book, they said yes, she starts reading--they can't stop talking amongst themselves cracking jokes. She stands up and screams to 10 heavily armed men: "I'm sorry but you're in my home so if you could keep your conversations to a whisper I'd appreciate it." One of them replied, "sorry, m'am." The room turned silent and my mother continued to read us the story. Love her to death.
    — vvvulture

  7. Probably the time that 15 year old me spent saying my final goodbyes to my mother who was about to be taken off life support. I remember sitting down and holding her hand to tell her that I loved her and would miss her forever. That was bad but when I got up my dad sat down beside her and softly said "Heeey baby." the way he usually greeted her on the phone. It hurt so badly.
    — Fullmetalmedusa

  8. Putting my dog down. My dad had someone come to our home and do it holistically. We wanted his final moments to be peaceful. We laid him down in his favorite spot, right in front of the tv. The woman asked me if I was comfortable being the one to call it. I said yes, put my hand on his heart and waited as she administered the drugs one by one. I have never cried so hard in my entire life while still trying to remain still and focused. It got more and more difficult to feel his heart beat as it slowed down until eventually, it stopped. That was that and my best friend was gone. Afterwards, my dad and I had a beer together and laughed about all the shenanigans that dog put us through. He was the worst goodboi but he was our goodboi and we loved him. RIP Wishbone
    — imgonnathrowafit

  9. I spent 6 hours on a tiny fishing boat on the ocean being violently ill. It was unstoppable pain. I actually tried throwing myself overboard to drown but someone caught me. Didn't realise I wanted to die. Just thought the bucking had knocked me. Then just gave me some bear strength sea sickness tablets. Which were great because they work by knocking you the fuck out. Cant vomit if your entire body is comatose.
    — ExplosionExpert

  10. It may be silly, in hindsight. But when my GF at the time told me she had cheated on me and was still out of town with the person who she cheated on me with. It was my first GF and thus my first time being cheated on. I wasn't ready for that emotional roller coaster.
    — izwald88

  11. The first time I attempted to have my wisdom teeth out, the staff tried six times to give me an IV for the sedative. I was on nitrous the whole time, which had given me an asthma attack early on requiring an inhaler. So I laid there for like 45 minutes with greyed and blurry vision with the only thing I could really feel being extremely painful and poorly done IV insertion attempts. I had a second attempt made a year later at a different practice and they got the IV in on the first attempt and it hurt significantly less.
    — Mr_Vulcanator

  12. Someone in my school had died but the body hadn’t been confirmed yet. For some reason as soon as I heard that I knew that it would be someone I knew. I texted my best friend and the time it took for her to text me felt like months. I almost cried when I saw she messaged me back. Edit: Typo
    — SmolAngryRock

  13. It started when I got a call at work, that my mom was in the hospital. It ended when my brother called me from the hospital and, during our conversation, I hear a flatline heart monitor, a lot of commotion, and what I later realized was my father wailing. Morphine OD. Her kidneys just quit and her heart wasn't up to the task of keeping her blood pressure up enough to put her on dialysis.
    — Saesama

  14. Gastroenteritis. Just vomiting and shitting for hours, until I was completely dehydrated. And every sip of water immediately came back out. I really thought I was dying.
    — StamatopoulosMichael

  15. When I had to put my cat down. 30 min home, 20 min to the vet and making that choice. He was so sick, he ended up seizing and passing away in my arms. I can't do that ever again and stay sane.
    — GoKickRox