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What would be the worst two movies to crossover?
- Predator / It's A Wonderful Life. "Teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings ripped off for a trophy!"
— headless_gardener
- Cars and the 40 year old virgin
— taksark
- Star Wars
Star Trek
— mtwestbr
- lord of the rings
lord of the flies
— [deleted]
- Shrek and the Lord of the rings
— yehsowatt
- Terminator and Home Alone
Wait that would be epic...
- Lolita and My Girl
— ScregMcZuck
- Back to the Future and Schindler's List
— stonewalljacksons
- Any recent Adam Sandler film with another recent Adam Sandler film.
— jakesoliz
- Love Actually and The Human Centipede
— unaskedforopinion