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What is something that's so common in our lives that it surprisingly was created not too long ago?

  1. It blew my mind how fast civilization went from no smart phones to everyone having one/it being almost a requirement for daily life to have one.
    — Mirenithil

  2. Google. Created in 1998.
    — yussof_h

  3. The ability to order anything from anywhere on the world and have it delivered to your front door. Sometimes for free.
    — NOTson

  4. USB sticks. Just over 10 years ago you'd have to buy expensive 'pen drives' from a computer shop. Now they're commonly given out as freebies.
    — holytriplem

  5. Antibiotics. For most of human history getting a serious cut was probably a death sentence due to infection.
    — No-Coast-Punk

  6. Our species came about around 300 thousand years ago. The first light bulb was made 139 years ago. Those who could afford it had in home electricity before WW1 but it didnt come to the average american home until after WW1. For for 100 out of the last 300,000 years we have had the ability to flip a switch and continue our lives after the sun goes down. Then, only 30-40 years ago... we took that light bulb, made it incredibly small, added it with a bunch of other micro light bulbs, and made those communicate with other banks of micro light bulbs all across the world... allowing ideas, thoughts, and eventually memes to be spread across the globe at the speed of light. It took us 99.9996% of our time as a species to harness electricity in the form of a simple light bulb. Then it took less than .0004% of our time to go from harnessing that electricity to using that electricity to run computers and the internet.
    — RedShirtDecoy

  7. Refrigerators. My grandad had an ice box, the ice man came every two days or so.
    — Frugalista1

  8. The blue LED. The basis for every modern display, blu-ray discs, and other things blue LED's were used in. [Here's a video on my point](
    — Some_Weeaboo

  9. Wikipedia. Sure without it you could still find whatever you want on the Internet, but Wikipedia is an astounding accomplishment. We use Google as a verb to describe finding information online, but Wikipedia (or another wiki) is almost always where the information we find is kept. In a time of increasing distrust and divisiveness, the reality that wikipedia its updated and controlled by regular folks is astounding and refreshing. Further to that, Wikipedia is leading the charge with trying to engage non-English-speaking Internet users who miss out on many of the sites we take for granted.
    — Alexthemessiah

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