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You can triple the speed of anything. What do you choose?
- The speed at which we learn new skills. For everybody, so we can all achieve more dreams in our lifetime.
— dalalphabet
- Light. Cause fuck physics.
— carnizzle
- My nervous system. Fastest reaction time in the world.
— AllPurposeNerd
- My internet.
— AutisticAwl
- My thinking speed. I'd like to think of new ideas as well as solutions to problem solving tasks. I'd say I'm fairly bad at this sometimes.
— DrWhiteApe
- My running ability. Don't have to worry about taking a car, I can just run.
— 1BoiledCabbage
- Medical research. There's so many diseases that we still have no cure for and we need to hurry up with that shit before I get too old and get something bad.
— PineappleSmoothie
- The time between now and losing my virginity.
— SamuraiY2J
- The treadmills at the gym. That would be hilarious.
— ManMan36
- Sloths. Let those little bastards get some speed.
— Melgitat_Shujaa
- The average time to female orgasm.
— ItsNotLongNow