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What job is actually much *better* than it looks?
- I work as a bartender, which people had told me I would hate because it's busy and I would have people constantly demanding things from me and complaining.
I love it, I love finding new recipes, I love building drinks, shooting the shit with my customers, I love when it's busy and I'm working as fast as I can on the very edge of getting overwhelmed. I have not had a single "bad" day working this job, and I'm so upset that I didn't start doing it sooner.
— BourbonBaccarat
- This might only count for my country but; driving a garbage truck. Better paid than higher demanded educated jobs like; being a policeofficer, teacher or nurse. Also thankful in the way that you won't have excessive shifts. 20 hours a week for a great pay.
However, you'll still be taking care of fishy, silly and vile garbage.
— fashionablylean
- I love my job, I'm a personal assistent for a guy in a wheelchair. He is in his teens and all he really does is play videogames and wathing youtube. Today I've been scrolling reddit for 5 hours and helped him eat and go to the bathroom once. I can't complain
— MeGustaMusic
- Security. I literally just sit alone for 8 hours and listen to podcasts while looking at cameras. Very nice.
— JapanIsMyCity
- Oilfield. You always think of the guys covered in oil running pipe, but that's just the drilling process, a large portion of the oilfield is work for 2 hours a day, watch Netflix the other ten. Bring home 80k a year. Places where there is alot of oil are usually pretty remote, so everyone working there has to travel for work, thus many schedules are work for a long time, then get a long time off. 15 days on 6 days off, two weeks on 1 week off. You can literally take a vacation any time of the year without using vacation days. I worked for a company for 5 years and never once put in a vacation day. Once you get used to having an entire week straight off every month, and two some months, a 9-5 with weekends off kinda sucks.
- Garbage collector seems fun outside of the smell. You get to work outside, it's good exercise, and you get to hang on the outside of a moving vehicle. You probably find some cool stuff people throw away, too.
— kgunnar
- Working in the sewers. It's quiet, peaceful, and you get to hang-out with the Turtles.
— justanotherfakegirl
- I'm currently a bartender and I'm surprised at how much I actually enjoy it. The pay's pretty good, and the work is fast-paced and mentally engaging, which is what I need from a job. Sure, you have to deal with some shitty customers from time to time, but for every shitty customer, there are twice as many nice ones.
— SJB95
- Graveyard shift, in a literal graveyard. It's peaceful.
— amm964
- As an introvert I loved working as a delivery man. You get to sit alone in your car for about 8h with just brief interactions with people.
— olheiser73