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What’s the best love advice you’ve ever received??

  1. In relationships,*how* you fight is more important than *what* you fight about. The argument can be about dishes but if you end up insulting each other to the point that it makes you feel like crap, your relationship will either not last or grow to be very bitter. You critique the behavior, not destroy someone's self-worth.
    — Elly2014

  2. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
    — Back2Bach

  3. If they love you almost nothing will stop them from being with you. It may sting, but you need to give up on that person who can't decide whether or not they want to be with you.
    — FusRoDoodles

  4. If you put someone on a pedestal, you force them to look down on you.
    — renovanhest

  5. Continue to love them on the days you don't like them.
    — theanxiousknitter

  6. On the first date, tell only the truth.
    — cardanos_folly

  7. Don't be afraid to get off the bus because there's always another one coming.
    — Noshotskill

  8. Never stop dating your wife. Edit: This advice applies to women as well.
    — SethRogen-Not

  9. The best relationships are split 60-40. It’s just both people should strive for the 60.
    — jinxes_are_pretend

  10. Stop and look at this person. Then ask yourself “If I didn’t want to sleep with them would I want to be friends with them?” If the answer is no then there’s something wrong, very wrong. Either you don’t have shared interests, goals or character fundamentals or you’re only with them for that attraction spark.
    — PepperFinn

  11. Never search for someone that "completes" you. You should be whole by yourself. A relationship isn't supposed to be a solution to a problem. Edit: typo
    — JVMMs

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