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What is a relationship deal-breaker for you that others might not agree with?

  1. She was a mediocre ass wiper. Perfectly reasonable, well educated, sane woman who was always well dressed and groomed. What she lacked, however, was the ability to keep a clean bung hole. We are talking B- work *at best.*
    — TheFire_Eagle

  2. Being controlling about any sort of electronic device: not sharing the remote (or console controller), always being the one to set up the wake-up alarm, not liking someone to touch the thermostat, etc. Fuck that. I'm an adult; there will be compromise, not control.
    — ricctp6

  3. If she's interested in me, I'd have to question her sanity.
    — clit-eastwould

  4. If I'm in a conversation with someone, and the minute i start talking, the other person looks at their phone, and obviously doesn't listen to what i say. Especially while we are out to dinner. Edit: sorry I wasn’t clear. This thread is about things that are relationship dealbreakers and to me, when asked about what went wrong in my marriage I feel ridiculous saying “he looked at his phone all the time at dinners” of course that wasn’t all but that was an ongoing problem. It’s the first thing I think of when I try to figure out what went wrong. Big deal to me, but I figured I would be called “overreactive”
    — Hey_Smalls

  5. Spending money foolishly when you don't have any\much. Or just in general even if you had the money. I was dating a girl that would constantly foolishly put things on her credit card when she was working at a coffee shop making just above minimum wage. She spent way above her means always making minimum payments on her card. Of course the credit card company loved this so they would send her notices that her limit can be increased. Stupidly enough she always accepted... At one point she had to move back home to pay off her debt. her debt wasn't going down when she moved back... My ex would buy clothes and instead of returning the clothes she changed her mind on (still had the receipt and tags on them) she wouldn't bother and give them away... She also apparently bought her used car with her credit card (over $10K) instead of financing it. I cant be with someone that is that careless about money.
    — enrodude

  6. Anger issues. I don't want to be with someone that can't control themselves.
    — pretend_im_ur_sister

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