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What movie has its head up its own ass?
- The Human Centipede
— c0r3l86
- I gotta say Peter Jackson's Hobbit films. I mean they are fun, and the acting is well done.
But just pulling shit out of thin air to stretch one book into three films was such a bullshit money grab. It's always in the back of my mind when I see one on and it really takes away from the overall experience.
— floodums
- All Transformers movies directed by Michael Bay. Visual effects aren't the only thing needed to make a movie.
— Dmartin75
- Lucy. The second I heard Morgan Freeman talking about how an average human uses 10% of our brain, I knew it was going to be trite.
— Stoontly
- Suicide Squad was bad and we need to admit it.
— Loktharion
- Battlefield Earth. Scientology galore!
— Jaxter92
- No on is going to mention Batman Vs Superman and the whole Martha thing?
— proscale
- [Seven Pounds.](
What a bunch of pretentious, melodramatic, overwrought, plot-hole-ridden, suicide-glorifying, jellyfish-abusing Oscar bait horseshit.
— SmoreOfBabylon
- Any Ridley Scott film from the last... 10 years or so? Mostly looking at you Prometheus.
The Martian is exempt from this, because that movie was fun as hell.
— capnhist
- I think on paper there is nothing even *theoretically* more pretentious than Melancholia.
— tpyljtpul
- *Hugo*
We get it, **movies are art**
— terekkincaid