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What's your favorite video game weapon of all time?

  1. That first nuke in any Civ game. It's just so damn satisfying to work your way up to it over a few thousand years. And it's even better when you drop it on someone for whom you have developed a seething hatred.
    — UncleTrustworthy

  2. Holy Hand Grenade in Worms. That whole game series had great weapons; Homing Pigeon, Mad Cow, Banana Bomb...
    — BigGuyRevel

  3. That gun in Borderlands that talks to you, trashtalks enemies, and generally really enjoys killing people. So much fun
    — brijjen

  4. RCP-90 in Goldeneye N64

  5. The gravity hammer in Halo. Missed a lot, but when i did make contact and got to watch their lifeless corpse fly 50 ft in the air, man that was a satisfying feeling.
    — nerdystoner25

  6. Not favorite, but most interesting and rage inducing: Farsight XR-20 from Perfect Dark N64. 1 hit kill sniper rifle Shoots through walls Has X-ray vision so when you're zoomed in you can see through all the walls Has a target seeking mode where it will autoaim for you. Really, the only reason it wasn't obnoxiously overpowered was because the game was split screen, so if your buddy had it and was camping, everyone else would team up against them, and you could see exactly where your buddy was, as well as know when he's trying to shoot at you. Plus it had a narrow field of view, slow slew rate, and a slow refire rate, so a fast moving target was a bit hard to hit. We usually didn't have it enabled (you would pick 6 guns for each match or use some recommended combinations of 6 guns, so it was easy to play without it) except for occasionally having matches with no other weapons besides Farsights, which was actually pretty fun when you're all shooting at each other through the map.
    — nalc

  7. DOOM's double barrel shotgun.
    — backtolurk

  8. I think the flak cannon from unreal was really great all around.
    — changjunlee24

  9. The Resistance Crossbow from Half-Life. The pure satisfaction of nailing an enemy to a wall with a piece of red-hot rebar. Also, the launching sound was just spot on.
    — PrimalJay

  10. The BFG-9000
    — All_Your_Base

  11. The chainsaw in DOOM. I still remember the first time I found one and that sound effect came on... Time to hack some Demons apart!
    — Filthwizard_1985

  12. That fucked up one in Turok 2 that'd go inside a dinosaur's brain and destroy it.
    — Raskolnikoolaid

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