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What novelty gift are you planning on getting your friend/relative this Christmas?

  1. A box of assorted batteries with a card saying "*gift not included" It was received rather well.
    — Elbowdeepinwips

  2. Not so much a novelty, but my dad is always bitching about people not bringing back his Tupperware so I'm going to get him a massive box of it this year
    — shocktar

  3. For some reason last Christmas my dad wanted a measuring tape. I was so outraged at how unimaginative the request was that I got him [one of these](
    — BristolShambler

  4. My family does White Elephant for the adults. My husband and I are bringing a chia pet Bob Ross and a Jeff Goldblum shower curtain.
    — Tiny-Unicorn

  5. My sister and I have a competition to see who can get each other the most useless present. This year she's getting a urinal.
    — Ayy_2_Brute

  6. My mum was recently lamenting a lack of fuzzy socks in stores... so guess who’s getting a shit ton of fuzzy socks for Christmas?
    — LelanaSongwind

  7. Kind of novelty. My mum is in dire need of a new wok, her current one is older than my and rusty AF. So i'm getting her a nice one. I'm also putting a plushie Lobster in the wok. It's a Wok Lobster.
    — MsM0nster

  8. So I go to uni in Knoxville, where the 1982 World's Fair happened. My mom, whenever she comes down, LOVES to talk about how it was a huge deal when her family went to the fair and did all this cool stuff, so I got her a 1982 world's fair shirt so that she can tell even more of her friends about it when it comes up in conversation
    — SteelMemes1

  9. Ever since my siblings and I have entered adulthood, our gift giving tradition has turned into "every gift has to be under ~$15". This keeps the gifts personalized and requires you to think about what you're getting. Except for my brother in law. Whenever we started this (5 or so years ago) I couldn't think of anything to get him, so I got him a dinosaur figurine from Target. And the next year, another dinosaur figurine. And the year after that. So this year? A dinosaur figurine. And next year? Another one. I never bothered to even ask him if he likes dinosaurs.
    — heythisis-myusername

  10. A calendar with me posing in uncomfortably seductive poses (I'm one awkward dude)
    — theImplication69

  11. A few years ago I got a girl I liked a life size cardboard cut out of myself. Must have liked it, we’re married now.
    — BeautifulBurd

  12. As the adult that I am, I got my brother a remote control fart noise generator last year. My family had a small gathering at a restaurant to do our secret santa. When my brother and his family got there, he went to the bathroom after taking off his coat and putting it on his chair. That's when I slipped the "device" into his coat pocket. After he returned, I stood up and walked maybe 10 feet away and pressed the button a few times. He ended up getting some looks from other tables before he could find it and shut it off. That's about the time that his 3 year old daughter yelled "DADDY FARTED!" and half the restaurant lost it laughing. For my birthday a couple of months later he got me a couple dozen bars of lava soap, which I use all the time in my business. Of course he used one of them to basically cover my windshield as payback for the fart incident. It took me a solid 90 minutes to get it all off since it had been on there for about 12 hours in freezing cold temperatures. This year, I'm getting him [one of these inflatable pool toys]( which I'll be inflating and sticking to the top of his truck with saran wrap. Not exactly the most mature present to get someone but we've been doing things like this to each other for years and we're both in our early 30s.
    — lingo654

  13. Rubik's cube with custom colors. For my friend who is color-blind. With the custom colors being the ones he has the hardest time telling apart. It's the green orange one, dunno the name.
    — Ironman__BTW

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