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People who believe JFK was killed by some sort of a conspiracy and not just Oswald; what are the biggest/most important pieces of evidence that support your theory?

  1. Okay I'm on cell phone so expect links to suck. Oswald was recruited into the CIA when he was in Japan working as a radar operator for the then super secret deep state black project U2 program. After that he was sent to Russia as a spook. Both Oswald and Jack Ruby (real name rubensein) were implanted into various communist parties and spent a lot of time in Cuba and in mexico being seen at the cuban and Russian embassies. Why? Because LBJ and the CIA were going to kill JFK because he wouldn't approve their methods. Stuff like this... The plan was if this all fell through they could blame it on the commies. LBJ told his mistress the night before. Two weeks before Dallas JFK had to cancel another trip to Chicago because an assassination plot had been foiled. The perpetrator? A marine who had worked on the U2 program in Japan. >11-2-63: The Chicago plot: Kennedy cancels scheduled trip to Chicago after Chicago PD discovers assassination plot and arrests Thomas Arthur Vallee ex-Marine who like Oswald worked at U2 base in Japan and is working at a Chicago warehouse overlooking upcoming motorcade. This Is a fact and has never been mentioned in any MSM format in the 54 years since! Also, the kill shot came from a cuban hit squad the CIA has built for Castro. They were behind a picket fence in front of the car. An officer ran to them but one of them produced a secret service badge, this is why the secret service no longer have badges. That's why Oswald had to die. Ruby admitted it was LBJ once, it's on video. >I was always interested in the case of Dorothy Kilgallen, a well known investigative journalist at the time (Had her column in over 200 newspapers). She was the only person who had interviewed Jack Ruby, twice I believe. Warning: a lot of unproven information ahead, most from some books written on her. >She was highly influential, and was friendly with JFK and upper-class New York society (For example she had a friendship and feud with Frank Sinatra). She was a daily panelist on the hit TV show at the time "What's my Line", and was known for her celebrity-attended parties. She was on the show live, hours before her death. Be aware there is tons of hearsay when this is discussed, but it is still fascinating. >She went full force into the JFK investigation, not believing Oswald acted alone, publicly stating that in her column. She allegedly carried a file around with her at all times, and told her close friend she was "going to release the largest story of the century, and blow the entire JFK case sky-high". Eventually she expressed fear for her life to her closest friends, became more paranoid and had bought a gun, which was out of her character. When in New Orleans investigating a contact, she had apparently told her assistant to go back to NYC and tell no one, in a frantic panic. >She was soon to submit her findings, but in 1965 she was found dead after having an affair with a much younger man who came out of nowhere. Her files were missing, and she was found by her hairdresser in a bedroom she never slept in, with clothes she would never wear to bed, reading a book she had finished and disliked, wearing glasses when she didn't need them for reading. Her case was closed as barbiturates and alcohol. NYC actually reopened an investigation into her death in 2016 due to a book published recently, but closed it in September this year with no evidence of foul play. >I looked up her name out of curiosity, and there appears to be an entire file named "DOROTHY KILGALLEN", by Richard Nixon, it appears to still be classified for reasons of national security/personal privacy. Another file says "she has no idea how Dorothy Kilgallen got a copy of the deposition."
    — pmmeyourproblemsolva

  2. That the government is still trying to keep details under wraps 50 years on.
    — NuderWorldOrder

  3. Just read through the document dump. There was more than one shooter. Three bullet holes in the car, including one in the wind shield. They believe someone was shooting from the bridge in front of the car. There is evidence of prior knowledge of the shooting, so take that as you will. Like phone calls and stuff days prior to the events. Also the KGB and CIA both believe Lyndon Johnson could have been involved. It will be interesting to see someone compile all this into some sort of documentary. Right now its just a jumbled mess of documents, but if you put together all the pieces I bet its super interesting/mind-blowing.
    — Journey_For_Bernie

  4. "Operation Northwoods" You can read the government declassified documents of this proposal which was rejected by Kennedy about a year before his death. Basically it was a proposal to have CIA agents (or friendly anti-communist cubans) pose as cuban terrorists and commit terrorism in Cuba and the United States for the sole reason to drum up american support for an invasion or military campaign in Cuba to topple Castro and replace him with a puppet for the U.S. Also known as a False Flag operation. It sounds like conspiracy theory but it's not. It's a government document... Kennedy rejected the proposal and it ended there. Roughly a year later he was assassinated. Also Kennedy wanted to shut down the federal government and reduce power of the bankers who control the USD. Basically Kennedy was a trouble maker when it came to the plans of the elite power holders who work behind the scenes... They took care of him and most likely use his assassination as a "This is what happens if you don't play ball" sort of example for others in political and business positions of power.
    — mosotaiyo

  5. I don't know how accurate this is because I watched the documentary years ago. They we're testing the same gun that was used to recreated the results of the shots. They showed that, yes the brain could blow out the back when he was shot from the back. However the bolt action (I think that's what it was) on the rifle could barely be pulled back in the time span of the three shots. The documentary completely glossed over that after mentioning. It really confused me more than anything. I haven't done research on the Kennedy assisination so if you have an explain please comment.
    — itoldyousoanysayo

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