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What is the most untrue thing you've ever heard presented as fact?

  1. "The thing most women find the most damaging about rape isn't the emotional effect, but the actual physical abuse they go through in being raped...women who aren't beaten up usually get over it a lot easier, it doesn't really bother them." -a former male coworker of mine who was conveniently an "expert" on whatever topic any group was talking about within a 10-foot radius of him
    — Eshlau

  2. A parishioner who soon to have her baby baptized asked the church's young assistant pastor how Holy Water was made. He said, "We boil the hell out of it!" And she walked away, thinking he was serious while he made no effort to explain that he was just trying to be "clever."
    — Back2Bach

  3. "If it's a legitimate rape the body has a way of shutting it all down." Others are people claiming women can "hold in" their periods... I fucking wish! ^^That ^^would ^^be ^^great.
    — Sheepbjumpin

  4. Vaccines cause autism.
    — Gatorboots01

  5. Flat earthers on youtube are always so sure of themselves
    — DangerMouse_11

  6. My mother in law was pulling up all my bean plants, saying it was poison Ivy. I told her, no, they're beans so please stop. She proceeds to tell me that poison Ivy is related to beans. I just looked at her like she was a crackhead. Hands down, the most facefuckingly stupid thing I've ever heard.
    — tattvamu

  7. I had an old roommate tell me matter-of-factly that when a porcupine quills a dog, the quills should be left in rather than removed, porcupines can shoot their quills out, and that porcupines are venomous. The funny part of this is that he was telling me this with me being a third year vet med student at the time. Btw, you should absolutely remove quills because their barbed design causes them to migrate further into tissues and therefore get worse, porcupines are incapable of shooting out quills and are certainly not venomous. E* had a couple of people ask, must've worded it poorly: I'm the vet student, he was a tradesman.
    — SeriesOfAdjectives

  8. "*harmless substance* is an ingredient in *harmful substance* therefore *harmless substance* is bad for you"
    — Thisjuiceisorange

  9. My friend keeps telling me that the way I say meme is wrong he pronounces it may may and it down right pisses me off. He's got the whole friend group calling them may mays and they wont face the fact that it isn't said like that. Calls me a retard everytime I say it correctly too I can't wait until he says may may infront of the wrong person and they tear him a new asshole.
    — Myers95

  10. When I was a child, I didn't know the difference between guerrillas and gorillas. Actually, I didn't even know the previous were a thing. I also must add that Planet of the Apes was on tv, which I used to love watching. So when I watched the news in the evenings, I thought there was a war going on in Central America between humans and gorillas. Got scared the shit out of me.
    — HenriySmith

  11. Barack Obama wasn't born in the US. Sadly, there are people who still believe that
    — Jokebrew

  12. "What are you talking about...of course it's possible for Friday the Thirteenth to be on the same day as Halloween."
    — AlphaStrategizer

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