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What commonly held scientific belief do you think will eventually turn out to be false?

  1. Most nutritional thinking is very suspect. The data on any nutritional study is suspect in replicability and randomness as a whole, it is not that hard to find conflicting peer reviewed published papers that just have different data sets and manipulations to prove their point. Than you factor in how agricultural policy dictates where money for nutritional studies go, and it is a whole mess of scientifically backed theories that could very well be debunked in the future.
    — fullofwind

  2. I don't know about "false," but I wish nutritionists would make up their collective minds about the advantages/disadvantages of coffee, wine, chocolate, etc.
    — amm964

  3. Creating true artificial intelligence is probably a lot more difficult than most Redditors believe.
    — viborg

  4. The brain stops developing around 25 y/o. Scientists already know this is false, but the masses don't yet.
    — BoboHodo

  5. Well, as it normally happens every few years, which side you put your baby to sleep on. Every few years it's on their back, no, on their side, no, on their stomach, no on their back, etc. It's no wonder these kids aren't getting any sleep, we're flipping them around like pancakes. They'll have them hanging from the ceiling before too long the rate they're going.
    — llcucf80

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