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Reddit, who are you rooting for right now?

  1. A guy at work who just started. He's struggling badly and all indicators are showing that he's not going to make it through his 90 day probation period. He knows that his performance is very bad and has had a 30 day and 60 day review that both went badly. He tries harder than half of the people that work there, but it's just not clicking for him. He knows that his job is on the line but shows up on time every day and gives it his best. He won't make the cut and it's hard to watch, but I'm rooting for him. EDIT: Job is Letter Carrier for USPS (mail man)
    — Jaylan96

  2. My brother, he is very intelligent and has had issues finding employment that he has enjoyed. Jumped through hoops and worked his ass off to end up in a career he didn't like. He is entertaining the thought of quitting to do something he enjoys. Seeing someone put in time and effort like that for so many years and not enjoying their job is tough. Go bro go!
    — ScootLif

  3. One of my students. Poor girl tries her best in class, but is barely hanging on to a C. About two months ago, her biological mom dropped her off at her step mom's house with just a suitcase and a note and never came back. Apparently, the mom has developed severe anger issues since the divorce and decided in a moment of clarity that her daughter was not safe with her. So this poor twelve year old is struggling to cope with the change and the abandonment. The school has become her most stable and familiar "home" so she tries real hard in class, but it's obvious she's distracted. She's seeing the counselor routinely and I've told her that her mental health is more important than her grade. Hopefully, she's able to find peace with everything. Edit: I should clarify, she is definitely going to pass with flying colors. I'm not about to punish her because she's got more important personal matters to deal with. I won't fake her scores when I submit my grades, but she will be rewarded greatly for her hard work and perseverance. To those people who are messaging me about how I'm somehow "hurting" this girl because I don't have any kind of mental health expertise, y'all can shove it. That's why schools have counselors who DO have the expertise (ours is an absolute angel btw). I'm just one link in her school support system. The rest of her teachers are also aware of her situation and have volunteered their time and effort to help her however they can. You don't need a psych degree to empathize with a student.
    — ploobear

  4. There's a guy I always see running on my way to work. He's got skinnier and skinner, faster and faster as the years have gone by. He started quite obese, and is doing much better now. Go random guy, go!
    — SmallFemale

  5. My mom. She went back to school at 54 to become a speech language pathologist and she only has one semester left! Couldn't be more proud of her. Can't wait to see her life turn around once she starts doing what she loves
    — vengeful_snickering

  6. My stepmom! She’s been my dad’s caregiver since he got sick and now she has to go for surgery. She’s been the most badass mom since they met 15 years ago, my dad’s soulmate. I hope she will be okay next week
    — Kamacalamari

  7. My friend that’s in the psych ward right now. I’m pulling for you, buddy. :(
    — Airelius

  8. My wife/mother of our eight-year-old. She's about five feet away in a hospital bed, clinging to sanity and a glimmer of hope that her surgeons will be able to provide some sort of palliative care to ease her suffering. I just want her to smile one more time with my son. A real smile. Fuck cancer.
    — Rhythmdvl

  9. This question will get some fun answers when the Australians start posting.
    — DougsDirtyDigits

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