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When did your "Something is very wrong here" feeling turned out to be true?

  1. Got off the subway at night, there was one other person about half a block behind me on my route home. This is a totally normal thing, has happened thousands of times. Totally normal-looking dude, not even following me closely. I had a bad feeling. Such a bad feeling that, when I turned the corner on my way home, I broke into a dead sprint and hid behind a dumpster in the shadows partway down the street. By the time he came around the corner, I was well hidden, and could see him from my hiding place. As soon as I saw his reaction to the fact that I wasn't there, I knew I had been right to hide. He started LOOKING FOR ME, muttering to himself, he went up and down the street, looked around corners, I hid and held my breath until he was gone. It was terrifying. I am so glad I had that sudden, inexplicable impulse to hide, and listened to it.
    — MissPredicament

  2. Not me but my mom. When I was about 10 years old I got invited to spend the night at my really good friends home. My mom said no. I begged her to let me go but she was adamant that I couldn't. She said she just didn't feel right about it and that no amount of pleading was going to change her mind. A few weeks later my friends dad was arrested for child pornography. After he went to trial it was found that he had also molested several young girls. He would have his daughter invite them over for a slumber party and then touch them when they went to sleep. If my mom hadn't trusted her gut feeling I could have been one of his victims.
    — MuttsAndMalarky

  3. I worked at a day care. One of the mothers gave me the heebie jeebies. She would show up randomly and be like 'my baaaaaaby, i neeeed my baaaaby'. Like, moms love their kids and miss them, but her obsession with her daughter really made me feel weird. She ended up killing her daughter so that she could be an angel. It really fucked me up when I found out.
    — ZombieBoobies

  4. Several years ago on Thanksgiving my mom was becoming extremely overwhelmed. The holidays have never been a great success in my family and my parents had issues communicating which led to a lot of stressful and tense dinners, and if it wasn't them it was someone else starting a fire. Well this year was bad. My mom had been cooking for hours to get ready to head over to my cousin's house. My dad was yelling about how we spend too much money on the holidays. It got to a point where my mom told me and my brothers to leave for the party ahead of them. We didn't get far from the house until a really bad feeling started sinking in my stomach. I knew my brothers felt something too. I said "Can we go back?" And my older brother turned around immediately. When we got there my father was gone, he had left out of anger and my mom yelled at him to leave. My mother was in her bed, laying still with an empty bottle of sleeping pills beside her. She was still conscious when we came in but started shaking and was falling asleep. We called 911. I later learned that the pills she had taken would have only put her to sleep for a long time, not actually kill her but clearly it was her intent. She has/had severe depression and after this she got some real help.
    — ManguaHa

  5. When I was younger, we would go visit my aunt a lot. Her brother in law was often there, and sometimes watched her kids for her. Well me and my sister just really didn't like him, we told our mom he made us uncomfortable and that we didn't want to be around him, even though he never did or said anything bad to us. Sometime later it was discovered that not only was he sexually abusing his teenage daughter, but that he and his girlfriend were raping my infant cousin and taking photos of it. He's in jail now, for a very very long time.
    — adriarchetypa

  6. A little different perhaps but I used to work for a company making barns. We were installing a rail made from old oil lines. I was using a large chop saw to cut the threaded ends off the pipe. A chop saw is basicly a large gas powered chainsaw with a 14" diameter fibre blade in this case. I had gotten to the last cut and as I stood up I had the weirdest feeling that /something/ was wrong. Didn't know what but I knew something was off. I looked around, checked my cut , which was good, didn't mark the concrete below. Stood there for a solid 5 minutes with saw in my hands trying to figure out what was wrong. All looked good until I moved the saw enough to notice a large hole burning in the shin of my jeans. Turned out I had stood in the sparks. Luckily there was enough left for shorts. Tl,DR: Felt something was wrong, didn't realize pants were on fire.
    — Syncrion

  7. Not me, but my mum (and I am doing my best to recall the story she mentioned to me a few months ago). My mum has been a Psych nurse for over 30 years at a private hospital. One of the patients she was looking after was a very boisterous person in her 40s and she had been in the hospital for over a week. One night mum noticed this lady was very lethargic, saying that she was just feeling tired and was going to have an early night and to get her meds early (this isn't going where you expect). Mum thinks this is very odd for this lady, but everyone has off days and so she gives this lady her medication and she goes off to bed. about 5 min passes and mum still has a knot in her gut about this lady, and thinks she will just check her stats, so she goes to her room, where the lady is just about to lay down and checks her blood pressure, pulse and Oxygen saturation. This is pretty rarely done in a psych hospital unless people have other health concerns needing monitoring. This lady's Oxygen saturation was down to around 80% I believe (doing the best to recall), to put it in perspective if it falls below 92% your cells can't absorbe oxygen and this can cause permanent damage. Mum in her over 40 years of nursing (wasn't always a psych nurse) has never seen someone with such a low level. She checks again and the same result. Mum calls an ambulance and gets this lady on oxygen. Later that night mum gets a call from the hospital the patient was sent to, from the doctor who lets mum know that the lady is fine. She had a blood clot. If she had been left for another 15 minutes the doctor is certain she would have died. The lady made a full recovery and gave mum a beautiful scarf the next time she saw her. Edit: i just checked and i was very wrong with the 80%. It had dropped to 33% Edit 2: my first gold! Thank you. You are a legend and people of your desired gender find you smart and attractive.
    — mickskitz

  8. [removed]
    — [deleted]

  9. I had a math teacher in middle school who came off as creepy. He would try and get close to us guys and try and act like old friends. He seemed afraid of girls for some reason. I didn't like him. He gave me a very bad feeling. After about a year at our school, he wasn't there suddenly. We had a police officer come in and sit us down and interview everyone individually. It turns out that he was caught having a jerk off party with some of his former male students from his previous school. He was sent to prison. EDIT: To clarify, Former students were all between 12 and 15 years old. Nowhere near the age of consent. 2nd EDIT: In Oregon (where this was) Age of consent is 18, not 16 like some states.
    — acheron53

  10. My friends and I went on a booze run one night back in college. We live in Flint, and were at a friend's house in a relatively bad neighborhood. We had our friend who was 21 go in while the rest of us waited (Yay underaged drinking!) As we're sitting in the parking lot we notice a dude standing by the trunk of his car a few rows of parking spots ahead of us. I had a bad feeling about him, so I was watching him the entire time while my friends were all chatting it up and laughing. I noticed my other friend who was driving watching too. Sure enough, after watching us for a second, he pops the trunk, pulls out a pistol, and starts walking towards us. We noped the fuck out and floored it around the parking lot right as our friend came outside, yelled for him to get in, and sped off. Turns out, their had been a ton of carjackings in that area over the last few months.
    — Eldium

  11. I have two. When I was 5 my late Grandma was staying with us. One night I woke up to some noise and find my parents and Grandma up. She told me to be quiet and I realized that there is someone trying to pick the lock on our flat's door. While this is happening my father was loading his shotgun and telling my mother to keep us away from the door. Then he opened the opened the door suddenly and hit the guy with the stock of the shotgun. He started to run and my father after him but he got away. Later that night I learned that my Grandma couldn't sleep feeling there is something wrong and after while she heard what's going on with the door and woke my parents. And when I was in highschool she had a stroke and lose the ability to speak. Because she was illiterate it was hard for us to understand what she was trying to say. One day I went to school after preparing her breakfast as usual. When I arrived there was this urge telling me to go back to home. I tried to pass it as boredom but it got to a point I felt very agitated and told my friends I'm going back home and left. When I was walking back home I found my Grandma wondering around without anyone. I asked her what she is doing she pointed out like she is out for a walk but I knew back then she couldn't find her way back without anyone with her because of the stroke. So I walked with her for a while and we turned back to house to a very worried parents. This was before cell phones. I never believed in supernatural. I'm not a religious person but I experienced this. I don't know what to call it. I hope she is in a good place with my parents.
    — Webmanya

  12. My oldest daughter (30-something) stopped by my work one day and introduced her new boyfriend. He seemed a little off to me, but I decided it was just "guy dating my daughter" and let it go. Later, he met my wife and I and she told me later that he seemed off to her, too. She has pretty good instincts about people, so we decided to investigate him a bit. Typing his whole name into Google, the *first* result was a mug shot from a couple of years ago. The third was an active warrant. More searching resulted in finding three warrants from different counties, an extensive record (check deception, theft, driving while suspended, driving after a lifetime suspension, and driving while a habitual traffic offender), and a brand-new marriage license for him and my daughter. They were going to get married later that week. We, of course, told her about him, but she insisted that he'd already told her about all of that and had "taken care of it." We emailed links to her roommate, who showed her, but she didn't have any luck talking her out of the relationship. They were in love, and everything would work out OK in the end. We sent in an anonymous tip, and he was arrested the next day at her apartment. My daughter then found out that he'd been lying to her about pretty much everything. He had entangled her in a business he was trying to start that mostly involved her financing things for him, because his credit was trash due to records for bounced checks and theft. She's still working to untangle herself from that. He is still in jail, and, according to her lawyer, will be for at least two years depending on what happens in two other counties.
    — Wadsworth_McStumpy