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How do you honestly feel about Canada?
- They're all so nice in person because they get all the asshattery out of their system whenever they drive.
— Kabufu
- Brit here. Two things stand out, every Canadian I know as a mate, is so damn nice. Every Canadiian I ever met abroad had their flag on their pack.
So, my view of Canada is a really nice place full of people terrified of being mistaken for Americans.
— alphawarframe
- * Everything is overpriced
* Girls are more attractive
* Poutine is awesome
* So is shawarma
— henrynor78
- I'm from the UK and it's the only country I'd consider emigrating to, except a couple of European ones.
— GoodLordMarjorie
- What culture? You guys are professionals at staying under the world radar. No one ever hears anything about Canada doing anything THAT IS A GOOD WAY TO BE. .
— Anna_Roberson
- I still wish I'd married that Canadian guy when I was 19. I bet I'd still be in Victoria, whether it had worked out or not. Love that place!
— charismatic_prism
- I love my country
— Whackatoe
- I met a black man from Detroit who would always come up and bring his family to Windsor. I asked him why did he like to come to Windsor (it's a very plain town for the most part) -- he said "when I'm in the states, I'm a nigger, and when I'm in Canada, I'm a person."
— nothing_to_feel_here
- American here, I've gone to Canada every year since I was 6, it's a gorgeous country.
— Bevi4
- We're more than neighbors, more than best friends, we're bros. Deep down true bros. Nobody better talk crap about Canada in front of me! Now give me a drunk hug Canada! I love you!
Sometimes it feels like you hate us, but we know it's only because deep down you love us. Lots of others talk about U.S. politics, but when a Canadian does, I tend to listen more. Your opinion matters more.
Also, Canada produces the best professional wrestlers.
— arkdude
- They're eh okay in my book
— IAmRyanCamden
- Belgian here. Thank you fuckers for saving our ass during the world wars. We appreciate it. Poutine is really good as well. I'd like to visit Canada one day.
— Donut187