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what workout you do everyday to stay fit?

  1. I do one sit up in the morning to turn my alarm off

  2. I walk. Briskly and for at least half an hour. It's good gentle cardio, it clears the mind and burns calories. Plus there are the added benefits of fresh air and scenery!
    — Socialist7

  3. Let's just say I'm all about that forearm strength.
    — IShitOnYourPost

  4. This ain't much, but I try to take the stairs every time I can
    — Derpazor1

  5. Limit the amount of hand to mouth movements I make. Source: I'm a formerly obese person who has maintained over 100 lbs of weight loss for 5 years.
    — tio_no_no

  6. 50 pushups 50 situps 20 crunches
    — ShanksMaurya

  7. When you're in your 50's, you start to confuse movement for exercise. As in "I walked down to the basement to get the laundry; feelin' ripped"
    — I-be-pop-now

  8. Typical bodybuilder workout. 5 day split (legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms, weekends off). Doing it for almost 25 years, and now the wear and tear is taking its toll on my body. Part of me wishes I could go back and physically train for something so that I would have a talent instead of just a physique. Ah well, the ride was enjoyable none the less.
    — SendWisdomImOut

  9. Run 3-5 times a week, 5-10k each run.
    — 586230

  10. *Ahem* kegels
    — WarriorSushi

  11. 2 sets of napping and crying
    — AtomicCheddar

  12. 100 push-ups 100 sit ups 100 squats And a 10km run EVERYDAY
    — Yaabishh

  13. P90 is a great program, and once you move on to other programs, you'll instantly realize how "entry level" P90 is, but I love going back to it because the chest/abs workout you do 2/3 times a week does great things for my physique.
    — cjoe02

  14. Mon: 5km run. Upper body resistance training day. Tues: 5km run. Leg resistance training. Wed: 5km run. Cardio, core, and calisthenics, and possibly some yoga mixed in. Thurs: 5km run. Upper body strength training (never for mass). Fri: 5km run. Lower body strength training (also never for mass). Sat: casual workout. Maybe hit the bag for a while or go swimming. Sun: Rest day.
    — UnnamedNamesake

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