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What secret are you hiding from your friends or family?
- My mother-in-law has been asking me for a grandchild since my husband and I started dating. I was 19 years old and it was totally inappropriate. I am now 33, we've been married for 7 years, and have repeatedly been told that my husband will never reproduce.
**I'm 6 weeks pregnant and we're telling his mom on her birthday. She's going to shit herself.**
— NeedsMoreTuba
- I am frighteningly close to a nervous breakdown but no one would know.
— Tryclydetonguepunch
- I hate green bean casserole. But someone in my family makes it every year for thanksgiving and I eat the shit out of it because no one else does.
— BjornBeetleBorg
- That the real reason I don't want a wedding is not because it would be too expensive, but because I don't have any close friends for a bridal party. All of my friends are more like casual acquaintances, and asking them to be in my wedding would be so awkward because we aren't that close. I also have very little family. Meanwhile my fiance has a huge family and hes close to all of them. As well as many friends that would all jump at the chance to be his groomsmen.
— SilentGoddess99
- Bulimia.
The only person that knows is my bf.
I hate saying that “I only do it from time to time” because I know just doing It is wrong.
When I’m home, I eat and eat and eat and then the guilt sets in. I have a specific spot where I do it outside and I make sure the windows are closed before I do it.
It’s sad, it sucks, it’s awful, I hate myself for it every time, but I just fucking love food, and I am terrified of gaining the weight I lost long ago.
For some reason listening to my bf helps me through it though and knowing that no matter how much I eat, he’ll still love me, has it slowly working it’s way to not letting me binge eat anymore.
I hope I can someday stop, but until then, no one knows except for Ry.
— Censordoll
- fuck a throw away, the reason i went missing is because i was seriously contemplating suicide. But it was my mom's birthday, so I couldn't.
— PortugueseBenny
- I'm waiting for my son to be a little older so we can move far away from my family. I want to start a new life elsewhere.
— stickyfingerJew
- Everything I do online. I'd be terrified if friends or family saw that I post myself jizzing across my room or fucking a fleshlight or butt pics.
— imredheaded
- I haven't told by extremely religious dad that I am bisexual.
— marie81688
- Im smokong weed and keep it in my GTA San Andreas cover
— GachiBird
- I grabbed some kit kats from our halloween candy stash and hid them in the freezer
— hm_joker
- My friends all know I'm depressed but they think I'm doing better, but in reality in just shutting them out more and hiding it better. I'm at the point where everything feels helpless.
— RalphV1209