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Which fictional character type do you hate the most ?

  1. The asshole boyfriend of the female lead in a rom-com whose main purpose is to give her an excuse to hook up with the dorky-but-lovable male lead late in the movie. Problem is, the bigger the asshole this character is made to be, the stupider the female lead looks for not dumping his ass sooner.
    — SmoreOfBabylon

  2. Kids that do something stupid to drive the plot, don't get punished and then get to be the hero later. Examples include: the girl in the new Transformers and the son in the first Purge movie.
    — ManOf59Cheeses

  3. That person in a horror film that says *"No! We can't kill the objectively evil and dangerous villain because then we'll be just like them"* No Stacy, killing the psychotic inbred cannibal isn't going to make you as bad as a psychotic inbred cannibal. Everyone who dies from here on out is all your fault. Fuckin' idiot.
    — killertapir

  4. The slacker/asshole that you're obviously supposed to be rooting for but you'd much rather see fail miserably.
    — mrguse

  5. Snarky teenage girls who are supposed to be strong and independent. Bonus points if they have abuse or rape as a backstory. Snarky doesn't equal strong, and a strong woman does not need to have been raped to become strong.
    — LockePhilote

  6. The Exposition: their main role is to provide information about the fictional world that the main character never knows
    — Stanzin7

  7. Generic male stoic "Anti-Hero" characters with predictable **~heart-of-gold~** character arcs.
    — neunari

  8. The stupid person in sitcom who gets more and more idiotic as the seasons go on. Joey in Friends, Adam in Rules of Engagement and so on. They always start out not too bright and by the time the show finished you would genuinely assume they had some sort of problem if you met them in real life.
    — belmakar

  9. The precocious little kid who for some reason gets to decide who their parent will date and otherwise plan the course of their life, usually through pouty, self-absorbed passive-aggressive manipulation. "I want *her* for my mommy! Why don't you love me?" If I wrote "Sleepless in Seattle," it would be maybe twenty minutes long and end with Tom Hanks telling his brat kid that the next time he'd see a phone was when he was thirty and paying his own bill. Also the aimless schlub who wants a girl because he wants her, and we're supposed to root for her to settle for him despite his lack of any redeeming characteristics.
    — maplecheese

  10. The bad-ass action girl who acts needlessly bitchy to all the men just so they know that *this kitties got claws!* *RAWR!* But seriously: Can't a woman be competent at something without being a party-pooper?
    — goodnaturedchortles

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