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What's your "I hated that person, but they didn't deserve THAT" story?

  1. When I first began freshman year in high school, I was bullied mercilessly by a junior. I have no idea why this guy hated me, but he did. He was bigger than me and stronger than me and would push me around, call me names, make fun of other people if he saw them talking to me, etc. I'm old and when I was in high school if you told an adult you were being bullied they'd tell you useless crap like, "Just ignore him and he'll go away." That never worked. It got so bad I thought about dropping out of school, thought about suicide, didn't know how to deal. And then one day I get to school and see a couple girls he was friends with crying, see a couple teachers with very concerned looks on their faces, and then when homeroom starts the principal gets on the PA and announces that my bully had been in a car accident and died the night before. He certainly didn't deserve to die -- I wouldn't support the death penalty for bullying -- but man, did my life ever change after he died. I finally started making friends, I could walk through the halls not worried about getting picked on, I really started to flourish academically, I got into a good college and now have a good career and life. I think there's a pretty good chance I would have dropped out of high school, and a smaller but still real chance I would have committed suicide, if this kid hadn't died.
    — unbelievablepeople

  2. Dude I went to high school with was my arch nemesis. He was in my sports teams and just was constantly giving me shit all.the.time. Bullying to the max. Couldn’t do much about it honestly. He even started physically fighting me in the middle of a game once. Anyway he’s the only person I’ve ever met that I *hated.*. Found out a year ago or so (12 years later) that his dad was being charged with child molestation and apparently abused him too. Never a guy you’d expect. Mr Tough guy and all that, kind of rednecky. Anyway there was obviously a lot more going on with that kid than 16 year old me understood or could ever understand. I still feel like I hate him but I at least understand it now.
    — silentenemy21

  3. Had an art teacher in middle school. Was obvious he was just biding time till retirement and hated kids now. Not that we we're angels or anything. He wasnit half bad at art either but can tell he was kinda disappointed in where his life ended up. Anyways goes on vacation in the mountains and ends up having a heart attack and driving off a cliff. He didn't make it.
    — atreyal

  4. Turned out the assholiest of asshole mean girl at my high school was horribly sexually abused by both her parents. It was seemingly a competition of who could be the worst monster. To paint a picture one of the mother's defense was that the rapes only started after the daughter hit puberty before that the punishments were just good ole beatings.
    — Keskekun

  5. My ex was a real ass to me: cheating, screaming, throwing things. The whole deal. 3 months after I finally broke up with him I got a call from a friend of his. He, at 20, had dropped dead on a bus and no one knew why. It turned out he had undiagnosed testicular cancer that spread to his lungs, closing his airway. Wouldn't have ever spoken to him again, but he didn't deserve to die.
    — postmalonely

  6. Former coworker was a bitch to everyone and got away with doing nothing. Everyone could see it and everyone hated her for it. She got pregnant and milked it for everything it was worth. Baby died in utero just a few days before due date due to a blood clot in the umbilical cord. Would never wish that sort of thing on anyone.
    — ABinTX

  7. My brother had this friend Peggy. She was an awful influence on him, as well as just being an obnoxious, gross person. Well one day she just up and moved to the Myrtle Beach area. We're in Western NC, so it was a good ways away. Sometime when she was down there she was in a four wheeler accident. She ended up paralyzed from the neck down. With years and years of physical therapy and dedication she sill one day regain mobility, but nobody deserves that. Her parents never went to see her when she was in the hospital. Not once.
    — MeatballsRegional

  8. A guy my cousin dated that burned our apartment down because he was mad at her. About 8 years later he was killed by a prison guard spraying pepper spray directly in his face like 6 times in a row.
    — Rilla-my-Rilla

  9. Guy from my high school that everyone hated and thought was an asshole (never spoke two words to me so I have no first hand knowledge). He was the star quarterback and destined for division I glory like his older brother. End of senior year he breaks his leg and all his scholarships evaporated. Ended up at a div 3 school or something, never made a splash. Now, he's divorced and legitimately insane. He constantly posts gibberish on his facebook page, like just crazed musings several times a day. Then google translates them into various random languages and posts those. One time he posted all of his high school football commendations, newspaper clippings, and div 1 scholarship/recruitment letters, literally over 100 pics. He is the living embodiment of "glory days", a very very sad and disturbed guy.
    — powabiatch

  10. A girl I went to primary school with bullied me relentlessly throughout reception to year five. It quickly got to the point where my parents and teachers were on first name basis due to all the meetings they had about it. In year three (I think) her older brother was killed in a quad bike accident. She and her older sisters were out of school for about 2 weeks, and her brother had a memorial tree planted for him at the school and the secondary school he went to. When she came back, we were okay with each other for a bit. Think I remember comforting her several times after it had happened. Then it just went back to normal
    — Pitcher1796

  11. my middle school bully dropped dead of an aneurism less than a month into her freshmen year. her parents were apparently already going through a brutal, booze-fueled divorce and one of them for some reason thought it was a good idea to try and sell their child's "art" to cover funeral costs, which were her 2003-era photobooth selfies. she was a terrible person, but she was also not even 14 yet. still trying to unpack that one
    — beeminor