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What do you happily pay a premium/extra for?

  1. I literally let the worst can opener ever piss me off for three years before I spent $11 on a good one and holy shit I have never spent better money.
    — zarina10

  2. Air conditioning. I'll pay whatever it costs to sleep in comfort and not sweat.
    — nairbdes

  3. Internet. Faster speeds are worth it.
    — slendertoast

  4. Some decent quality headphones/ earphones!
    — jasonho95

  5. When the airline offers an "upgrade" at a reasonable price for a first class seat on a long flight, I take it without hesitation.
    — Back2Bach

  6. House cleaning. I gave my house cleaner a few raises (that she didn't ask for) and am stoked I did. As she grew her business (she's terrific, absolutely mind bogglingly fantastic, and word spread) at some point I found out that she "fired" some of her clients. I can only presume that the ones that got dropped either didn't value her properly or were jerks. So happy I did what I did.
    — skip_churches

  7. Fast passes at theme parks. If I’m dropping the money to go, I’m not going to spend half the time waiting in lines.
    — BroJackson_

  8. Darn tough socks, Exofficio undies, and Prana pants. All suggested here on Reddit, and now I won't go without.
    — TyeWin

  9. I can usually get board games cheaper from Amazon but I buy from my local game shop to support them.
    — NullStellen

  10. Good skin care
    — nhkim

  11. Guacamole. You don't have to tell me it costs extra. And .30 for extra Oreo in my mcflurry is absolutely worth it.
    — StopTrickingMe

  12. Flying Southwest instead of Spirit.
    — stupidlyugly

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