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What are some things that you can't stand, if any, at family reunions?

  1. Multi hour long goodbye sessions
    — MisterTawm

  2. The constant convincing that I'm supposed to remember meeting you when I was 3
    — ChrysMYO

  3. "Look who came out of her cave!" Quickest way to get me to go right back to my room
    — Syntagram

  4. "Whatever happened to that girl you were going to marry?" "Well as I've explained for the last five years or so, I left her because she was mentally abusing me." "Oh she was such a nice girl though. Are you sure you two couldn't have worked things out?" I wish I was joking about this. My dad's side of the family is filled with morons.
    — DBTornado

  5. The insistence that I attend because "everyone wants me there" and then when I attend no one says anything to me unless it's some passive aggressive dig at me or to bring up something embarrassing I did when I was like 12. They also like to play games like Rummy or Bingo that turn into nasty, overly competitive farces with at least two people leaving angry. I'm 34 now with a wife and kid. I find plenty of reasons to skip these now.
    — bupdup

  6. "So do you have a girlfriend yet?"
    — TheThreeRangers

  7. Pretending I care what some of my relatives have been up to since I last saw them, and having to hang around their obnoxious kids. Also, most of my family members are drunks, so there's that.
    — StevesMcQueenIsHere

  8. When they make you feel embarrassed about going through puberty. Mentioning your new boobs, curves, and acne. I went through a baggy clothes phase because of it. To this day I'm self conscious about my body.
    — Autumn-Moon

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