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You awaken, clothes smoking, in a ruined bunker in 1945 with a box containing a 2015-era laptop with Photoshop and Premiere Pro installed, a scanner, photo printer, analog-to-USB input converter and more than enough printer ink and card photo stock. How do you best start screwing with history?
- Try and open Photoshop and die in 2015 waiting for it to run.
— evil95
- Go to MIT and give them my stuff. Advance tech research by 70 years. If this isn't screwing with history then I don't know what is.
— Ozky
- Place Danny DeVito in multiple historical settings.
— Lord_Malgus
- The printer would not work because it knows you need it.
— Azkabandi
- Scenario: Black guy in a bunker in 1945, presumably in Germany, with a laptop lacking a charger and no access to the internet.
Probably going to die in that bunker.
— Normal_Punch
- Photoshop a stupid mustache onto all pictures of Hitler
— Paintap
- Everyone has these elaborate ideas in this thread, but they'd probably just doodle in MS Paint all day and listen to their old torrented music.
— CedarCabPark
- I photoshop Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin together in a room beneath the Illuminati sign, all laughing and in the foreground some flip chart paper saying ‘World War False Flag Narrative Continued...’
— sashmantitch
- "Though the Nazis were defeated, we now have photographic evidence that the major reason they were pushed back was because they have dedicated their resources to re-animating pre-historic reptiles from DNA found in mosquitoes preserved in tree sap. It is imperative that the United States convert its funding from space exploration to beating the German scientists to this technology. We have constructed a research lab on one of the Hawaiian islands."
MRW the nuclear arms race becomes the race to building an actual Jurassic Park and Einstein becomes John Hammond
- Morgan Freeman, still old, shaking hands with Hitler.
Or that shot of Samuel L Jackson in pulp fiction with the gun, but on the other side of the gun is Hitler and Eva Braun.
— ego1014
- Start mass producing the hardware and software over the next decade.
— EdgySentence
- Get started on those '45 era pinup models.
"Oh, yer curvy eh? Check out this little thing I call photoshop. Get a pic in there, few tweaks and BAM!"
Then Stockpile them, imitating the styles of painting I could remember... use the vintage angle first, of course.
Suddenly, I'm Hugh Hefner.
— Greedeater